
unusual facts about College of Cardinals

In Supremo Apostolatus

Issued on December 3, 1839 as a result of a broad consultation among the College of Cardinals, the bull resoundingly denounces both the slave trade and the continuance of the institution of slavery.

Chibly Langlois

The Vatican announced that, on 22 February 2014, Langlois, along with 18 others, will be elevated to the College of Cardinals by Pope Francis.

Francesco Maidalchini

Contemporary John Bargrave leaves little doubt that Maidalchini was not much respected either by the College of Cardinals or the general public of Rome.

Francesco Marchisano

Cardinal Marchisano however was one of the six cardinals who made the public act of obedience on behalf of the College of Cardinals to the new pope at his papal inauguration.

Giulio Bevilacqua

On February 15, 1965, Bevilacqua was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Brescia and Titular Archbishop of Gaudiaba by Paul VI, in advance of his elevation to the College of Cardinals.

Leopoldo Brenes

Pope Francis announced that on 22 February 2014 the archbishop, along with 18 others, will be inducted into the College of Cardinals.

Norman Thomas Gilroy

Gilroy was created a cardinal on 18 February 1946, becoming the first Australian-born member of the College of Cardinals, becoming cardinal-priest of Santi Quattro Coronati.

Orlando Quevedo

On January 12, 2014, Pope Francis named Quevedo as one of the 16 men to be inducted into the College of Cardinals in the consistory of February 22, 2014.

Papal resignation

This addresses a concern raised in earlier centuries, specifically by 18th-century canonist Lucius Ferraris, who held that the College of Cardinals or at least its Dean must be informed, since the cardinals must be absolutely certain that the pope has renounced the dignity before they can validly proceed to elect a successor.

Plaza de Roma

The plaza was given its current name in 1961, following the elevation of Rufino Santos to the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church as the first Filipino cardinal.

Pope Gregory XIV

Alessandro Cardinal Montalto came to Sfondrati's cell to inform him that the Sacred College had agreed on his election and found him kneeling in prayer before a crucifix.

see also

Alberto di Jorio

After the death of José da Costa Nunes on 29 November 1976, Alberto di Jorio became the oldest member of the College of Cardinals until his own death in 1979.

Apostolic Majesty

Maria Theresia used (the female version of) the title, "Apostolic Queen", for the first time in the letters patent granted to the imperial plenipotentiary sent to the College of Cardinals after the death of Pope Benedict XIV.

Banquet of Chestnuts

In the show, the Banquet is shown to be a trap to blackmail otherwise disloyal members of the College of Cardinals, and is officiated by Giulia Farnese, and witnessed by Burchard who chronicles the debaucheries of the Cardinals while hidden behind a screen.