New Jersey | college football | Eton College | University College London | Dartmouth College | Newark, New Jersey | King's College London | Harvard College | Princeton, New Jersey | Trinity College | Jersey | college | Oberlin College | Boston College | University College Dublin | Williams College | Vassar College | Atlantic City, New Jersey | college basketball | Winchester College | Hoboken, New Jersey | Imperial College London | Collège de France | Middlebury College | Jersey City, New Jersey | Berklee College of Music | Royal College of Art | Governor of New Jersey | Smith College | Royal College of Music |
Olden began his involvement in politics as a gentleman farmer and businessman, as treasurer and Trustee of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), as a state Senator, and finally as governor in 1860, when he became the first governor to live at Drumthwacket.
He studied with John Witherspoon at the College of New Jersey and finished his studies at Liberty Hall Academy in Virginia, where he was ordained as a minister.
Distinguished lawyer Richard Stockton, New Jersey-born and College of New Jersey graduate, sacrificed his royal judicial title and his considerable international economic interest in order to be an elected delegate for New Jersey at the General Congress.
The Rev. Samuel Finley (1763 DD University of Glasgow (honorary); July 2, 1715 – July 17, 1766), Evangelical (Presbyterian, "New Light") preacher and academic, he founded the West Nottingham Academy, and was the fifth president and an original trustee of the College of New Jersey (later known as Princeton University) from 1761 until 1766.
Fithian returned home to do advanced ministerial studies with Green at Deerfield rather than accept an invitation from College of New Jersey president John Witherspoon to stay and study with him at Princeton.