
4 unusual facts about Collela Mazee

Collela Mazee

Ochieng Nelly Mengo was born in Nyanza in 1950 and developed interest in music while still at school.

"Dr Nelly", Ochieng' died on Wednesday 24 April 2001 at his rural Kabondo home, Rachuonyo District, after an illustrious entertainment career spanning several decades.

Born in 1954 in Gem, Siaya District Collela attended Ngere High School where he was introduced to music in the school band.

Phares Oluoch Kanindo

Among the prominent Kenyan artists who produced their music at POK Music Stores include the late Kenyan Benga Maestro Collela Mazee, Kawere Boys, Kalusi Band.


Collela Mazee |

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