At Ditch Bayou Greene attempted unsuccessfully to delay Union forces that were approaching Lake Village, and then he withdrew to nearby Parker's Landing.
It was hoped these guns could be used to attack the Federal arsenal in St. Louis, however the captains arrived with their artillery too late to help in the effort, and the cannon were captured by Union troops.
Colton Greene, a Confederate general during the American Civil War
Graham Greene | Lorne Greene | Nathanael Greene | Maggie Greene | Greene County | Susaye Greene | Greene and Greene | Jack Greene | Hugh Greene | Greene County, New York | Ellen Greene | Colton | Brian Greene | Wallace M. Greene | Richard Greene | Nancy Greene | Jackie Greene | Greene County, Ohio | Fort Greene | Casady & Greene | Bob Greene | Vivien Greene | Ted Greene | Nathaniel Greene | Liz Greene | Harold H. Greene | Greene King Brewery | Greene County, Pennsylvania | Gerard Greene | George S. Greene |