
unusual facts about Comédiens-Français

1998 England rugby union tour of Australasia and South Africa

Tony Diprose (Saracens), Steve Ojomoh (Bath), Richard Pool-Jones (Stade Francais Paris), Ben Sturnham (Saracens), Ben Clarke (Richmond), Pat Sanderson (Sale Sharks), Lewis Moody (Leicester Tigers).

Alice Arno

She became, along with Lina Romay and Monica Swinn, one of the most popular figures of European Exploitation film working for Eurociné and for Robert De Nesle's Comptoir Français de Productions Cinématographiques.

Annibale Annibaldi

Duchesne, Histoire de tous les cardinaux français de naissance (Paris, 1699), II, 277, 278;

Battle of Skaithmuir

Michel, F.X.,Les Écossais en France, les Français en ÉcosseII vols.

Bedford Blues

The early successes, however, paled before the achievements of 1893-94, when the club's reputation persuaded opponents of the stature of Stade Francais, from Paris, and the Barbarians to make the journey over.

Caroline Ducey

Outside of her home country, she is best known for her controversial role in Catherine Breillat's 1999 film Romance, a role for which she was awarded the 2000 Étoile d’or de la révélation féminine (Gold Star) by l’Académie de la presse du cinéma français.

Charles Bernardy

From 1775 to 1780, the troop put on shows at Amiens, Cambrai, Strasbourg, Colmar, Paris (at the "théâtre des Petits Comédiens du Bois de Boulogne"), Angers, Le Mans, Aix-en-Provence, Toulon, Marseille, Dijon, Passy, Saint-Quentin, Antwerp and Brussels.

Chiltern, Victoria

The winning clip of the 2009 J Award for Best Music Video of the Year, Alex Roberts' video for Art vs. Science's Parlez-vous Français?, was entirely shot in this town.

Ciments français

Ciments français (english "French Cement") is a French based manufacturer of cement and has been a subsidiary of Italcementi Group since 1992.

École Française du Maine

The School is affiliated with MLF (Mission laïque française) and AEFE (Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger).

Étude sur l’argot français

Étude sur l'argot français ("Study of French slang") was the first publication in book form by the French linguist and author of short stories, Marcel Schwob.


Henri Le Floch, French rector of the French Seminary (Collège Français) in Rome

Français langue étrangère

The Alliance française offers 2 certificates and 2 diplomas: Certificat d’Études de Français Pratique 1 and 2 (CEFP1 and CEFP2), the Diplôme de Langue (DL) and the Diplôme Supérieur Langue et Culture Françaises (DSLCF).

François-Louis Français

François Louis Français (November 17, 1814–1897), French painter, was born at Plombières-les-Bains (Vosges), and, on attaining the age of fifteen, was placed as office-boy with a bookseller.

Georg Heinrich Sieveking

The celebration caused a furore far beyond the borders of Hamburg – even the leader of the Girondists, Jacques Pierre Brissot, praised it in his "Patriot Français" – but remained without consequence for the political culture of Hamburg.

Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Orange

Grand anglo-français blanc et orange is descended from crosses between the Billy and Foxhounds in the late 1800s.

Grand Anglo-Français Tricolore

The Grand Anglo-Francais Tricolore is descended from crosses between tricoloured Poitevins and Foxhounds.


Charles Grolleau - French literary scholar who co-wrote Anthologie des écrivains catholiques, prosateurs français du XVIIème siècle (1919) with Henri Brémond.

Günter Fruhtrunk

In 1954 he received a scholarship from the Land Baden-Württemberg and the Gouvernement Français and moved to Paris, to work in the studios of Léger and Arp.

Guy Béart

Taken under the wing of renowned music producer Jacques Canetti and fellow musician Boris Vian, he released an album of his own, which won the prestigious Grand Prix de l'Académie du Disque français in 1958.

Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedersi

Beḥinat ha-'Olam (The Examination of the World), called also by its first words, "Shamayim la-Rom" (Heaven's Height), a didactic poem written after the banishment of the Jews from France (1306), to which event reference is made in the eleventh chapter (compare Renan-Neubauer, Les Ecrivains Juifs Français, p. 37).

Joseph Caillot

Émile Campardon, Les Comédiens du roi de la troupe italienne, Paris, Berger-Levrault et Cie, 1880, vol.

Josette Rey-Debove

She contributed to dictionaries for Le Robert, collaborating on the Petit Robert for the French language, at Robert des Enfants (the company's division for publishing the Children's Robert dictionaries), then to Dictionnaire du français (foreign language edition) and to Robert Méthodique-Brio.

Jules Romains

During World War II he went into exile first to the United States where he spoke on the radio through the Voice of America and then, beginning in 1941, to Mexico where he participated with other French refugees in founding the Institut Français d'Amérique Latine (IFAL).

La Périchole

Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy wrote the French-language libretto based on the 1829 one act play Le carrosse du Saint-Sacrement by Prosper Mérimée, which was revived on 13 March 1850 at the Théâtre-Français.

Laurent Pariente

1998 - « Printemps français », Espace de l'art concret, Mouans-Sartoux.

Le Bris

Jean-Marie Le Bris (1817-1879), marin et pionnier de l'aviation français

Léger-Félicité Sonthonax

On 20 June 1793 a failed attempt to take control of the capital by a new military governor sympathetic to whites, Francois-Thomas Galbaud, led to the bombardment and burning of Cap-Français (now Cap-Haïtien).

Les Dieux du Stade

Dieux du Stade, a calendar series featuring the Stade Français Paris rugby team

Louis Michel Français Doyère

Louis Michel Français Doyère (born 28 January 1811 in Saint-Michel-des-Essartiers; died 1863 in Corsica) was a French zoologist and agronomist.

Louis-Ernest Dubois

The British reacted to this incident by sending a naval squadron, thus giving rise to the Perote saying (Pera was the diplomatic and cosmopolitan quarter of Constantinople) "les Anglais ont envoyé de l'acier et les Français Dubois".

Luciano Buonaparte

Lucien Bonaparte (1775–1840), Prince Français, 1st Prince of Canino and Musignano

Lycée français Alexandre Yersin

Lycée Français Alexandre Yersin was named after the Alexandre Yersin, a French and Swiss Physician who found the pathogens for the bubonic plague.

Lyceum Theatre

Lyceum Theatre (14th Street, Manhattan), at 107 West 14th Street in Manhattan, originally the Theatre Francais (1866).

Mademoiselle Montansier

Forced to leave the Palais-Royal by decree in 1806 (the neighbouring Comédiens-Français finding that she kept them in the shade) but still infatigable, she convinced Napoleon to authorise her to build a new theatre on the boulevard Montmartre, despite a decree limiting the number of theatres in Paris to just 8.

Maignan Point

It was first charted by the Third French Antarctic Expedition, 1903–05, and named by Jean-Baptiste Charcot for F. Maignan, a seaman of the Français who lost his life in a ship accident shortly after the expedition's departure from Le Havre.

Mark Gasnier

For his début with Stade Français on 26 September 2008, Gasnier played right wing and ran in for a try, finishing off a fine display of passing rugby by the Stade backs, against Bourgoin-Jallieu at the Stade des Alpes in Grenoble before getting injured.

Montagne des Français

Of the herpetofauna, eight species are endemic to the Montagne des Français, 28 are regional endemics, 2 are listed as globally threatened in IUCN's 2006 Red List and 14 species are CITES listed.

One More Effort, Chinamen, if you want to be revolutionaries!

The title is a reference to the pamphlet "Français, encore un effort si vous voulez être républicains" featured in Philosophy in the Bedroom of Marquis de Sade.

Paul Bénichou

After living in the French unoccupied zone, Bénichou could leave in 1942 with his family to Argentina, where he had been offered a teaching position in the university of Mendoza; afterwards, he taught in Buenos Aires, at the Institut Français (co-founded by Roger Caillois).

Paul Bonneau

He composed serious works such as Ouverture pour un Drame, Concerto for saxophone and orchestra and Un Français à New York (for orchestra, dedicated to the memory of George Gershwin).

Popular Republican Movement

One year later, a Gaullist party was founded under the name of Rally of the French People (Rassemblement du peuple français or RPF).

Redressement Français

The Redressement Français (French Resurgence) was a French anti-parliamentarian movement founded in 1926 by electricity magnate Ernest Mercier.

Robert Stanley Weir

The French version had originally been commissioned in 1880 by the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, Théodore Robitaille with lyrics by Sir Adolphe Basile Routhier and music composed by Calixa Lavallée in time for the Congrès national des Canadiens-Français which was to be held on St. Jean Baptiste Day of that year.

Société des Artistes Français

The Société des Artistes Français is the association of French painters and sculptors established in 1881.

Sonia Steinman Gold

There was also political information regarding Charles de Gaulle, leader of the French National Committee (Comité National Français).

Union des Français de l'Etranger

The Union des Français de l'Etranger (French Foreign Union), or UFE, is a French organization with branches in more than 100 countries around the world in major world cities including New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington, D.C. where there is a significant French or Francophone population.

Vladimir Jankélévitch

From 1927 to 1932 he taught at the Institut Français in Prague, where he wrote his doctorate on Schelling.

World Hard Court Championships

In 1925 the tournament was disbanded when the French Championships opened itself to international competitors with the event held on a clay surface alternately between the Stade Français (1925, 1927), which was the site of the WHCC and the Racing Club de France (1926), which was the site of the previous French Championship.

see also