
3 unusual facts about Perote

Louis-Ernest Dubois

The British reacted to this incident by sending a naval squadron, thus giving rise to the Perote saying (Pera was the diplomatic and cosmopolitan quarter of Constantinople) "les Anglais ont envoyé de l'acier et les Français Dubois".

Perote, Alabama

"Perote grew rapidly in the 1850s so that by 1860 the community was thriving with several doctors, stores, a carriage factory, a Masonic lodge, and a school.

Samuel Maverick Jr

In two volumes of memoirs, he recounted his memories of the Council House Fight in 1840 (in which the family's cook saved his life), the evacuation of the city during the incursion by Gen. Rafael Vásquez in 1842, and his father's return from the prison at Perote, Veracruz, in 1843.


Jalacingo is a city in the Mexican state of Veracruz, bordered by Tlapacoyan, Perote and Atzalán and on Federal Highways 180 & 190.

La Gloria, Veracruz

It is connected to Perote by a small highway; there, the small highway intersects Federal Highway 140, which goes to Xalapa.

Oriental Basin

Chief towns in the basin include El Carmen Tequexquitla, Tlaxcala, Perote, Veracruz, and Oriental, Puebla.

Villa Aldama

The municipality of Villa Aldama is bordered to the north by Las Minas and Altotonga, to the east by Las Vigas and to the south by Perote State.

see also