
unusual facts about Commander in chief

Christopher Allport

His list of television credits includes appearances on such programs as The X Files, Commander In Chief, ER, Felicity, Mad Men, and Brothers & Sisters.

Jason Wiles

Wiles has recently appeared alongside Geena Davis and Donald Sutherland in the TV series Commander in Chief.

John Pappageorge

While in the Army, Pappageorge served as Special Assistant to General Alexander Haig, who was then the Commander in Chief, U.S. European Command (CinCUSEUR) and Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) (and later U.S. Secretary of State).

Loucas George

Loucas is a member of the Directors Guild of America and has been a producer on a number of shows including Commander in Chief, Ed, The O.C., Early Edition, 12 Miles of Bad Road and Life.

Maryland in the American Revolution

Towards the end of the struggle, from November 26, 1783 to June 3, 1784, the state's capital Annapolis, briefly served as the capital of the fledgling confederation of the United States of America, and it was in the Old Senate Chamber of the Maryland State House on State Circle in Annapolis that George Washington famously resigned his commission as commander in chief of the Continental Army on December 23, 1783.

Stibbert Museum

The Stibbert family's extreme wealth came from Frederick's grandfather, Giles Stibbert, who was the commander in chief for the British East India Company in Bengal at the end of the 18th century and ruled as governor for many years.

United Liberation Front of Assam

This occurred due to the death of the ULFA's deputy Commander in chief Heerak Jyoti Mahanta on 31 December 1991.

William Wain Prior

William Wain Prior (July 18, 1876 – March 9, 1946) was a Danish Major General and the Commander in chief of the Royal Danish Army from 1939 to 1941.

Yasuji Okamura

In 1938, a year after the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, Okamura was assigned as the commander in chief of the Japanese Eleventh Army, which participated in numerous major engagements in the Second Sino-Japanese War, notably the Battles of Wuhan, Nanchang and Changsha.

see also

A Bird in the Head

Due to the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, filming ended early out of respect for the deceased Commander-in-chief.

Aftab Ahmad Khan

Field Marshall M. Ayub Khan at that time the (President of Pakistan) and Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army took the salute at the march past.

Aldershot Command

After the success of the Chobham Manoeuvres of 1853, a permanent training camp was established at Aldershot in 1854 on the recommendation of the Commander-in-Chief, Viscount Hardinge.

Ambela Campaign

Reinforcements were gradually drafted in on the orders of the Commander-in-Chief Sir Hugh Rose and he replaced Chamberlain with Major General John Garvock on 6 December.

Auguste Dubail

He called for reinforcements and heavy artillery and the new Allie tanks for the Verdun sector, but the French commander-in-chief, Joseph Joffre, wasn’t convinced that an attack was imminent.

Battle of Elephant Point

On 22 March, as the joint battles of Meiktila and Mandalay were drawing to a close, a conference was held at Monywa in Burma, attended by senior Allied military figures including Admiral Lord Mountbatten, the commander in chief of the Allied South East Asia Command, and General William Slim, commander of Fourteenth Army.

British Cemetery Elvas

The Duke of Wellington was anxious to secure both cities before advancing into Spain and chose to conduct the operations in the north himself and leave Marshal Beresford, the Commander in Chief of the Portuguese army, in command of the southern operation.

Chuck Horner

During the Desert Shield phase of the conflict, Horner briefly served as Commander-in-Chief — Forward of U.S. Central Command; while General Schwarzkopf was still in the United States.

Commander-in-Chief, The Nore

With the onset of the Cold War, the station and command diminished in importance as the navy decreased in size.

Constitutional dictatorship

In the 21st century, John Yoo, attorney and legal theorist, has offered a theory of the unitary executive supporting virtually unconstrained authority to be wielded by the United States President in his capacity as commander in chief of the armed forces.

Convoy ON 127

As western Atlantic coastal convoys brought an end to the second happy time, Admiral Karl Dönitz, the Befehlshaber der U-Boote (BdU) or commander in chief of U-Boats, shifted focus to the mid-Atlantic to avoid aircraft patrols.

François-Jean de Chastellux

Being on general Rochambeau's staff for the duration of the war, Chastellux acted as the principal liaison officer between the French commander in chief and George Washington.

Future of the Russian Navy

According to Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky work on the new destroyer class will start in 2012.

George Airey

This appointment prevented his accompanying the expedition to Egypt, where his patron was killed; but his activity and real merit soon won him a powerful friend in the influential General Henry Fox, the brother of the orator, and at this time governor and commander-in-chief in Minorca.

Georgian Civil War

On November 2, following an agreement between Eduard Shevardnadze and Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral E. Baltin, units of the Russian fleet landed in Poti to consolidate the government control over the key harbor and help establish order in the town.

Governor General of the Province of Canada

The post replaced the Governor General of New France and later Governor General of British North America, which had replaced that of Commander-in-Chief of British North America.

Grand admiral

Erich Raeder, then-Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine, was made a grand admiral on 1 April 1939

Hans Paasche

In 1905, Paasche became commander in chief in the Rufiji-region, now southern Tanzania.

Harvey River

It is presumed to have been named by Governor James Stirling after Rear Admiral Sir John Harvey, who in 1818 was Commander in Chief of the West Indies Station while Stirling had served in that region.

History of Molde

Arriving safely in Molde, the city was de facto capital of Norway from 22 April to 29 April, when the advancing German forces, combined with a failed British counter-attack, forced the Norwegian commander-in-chief, General Otto Ruge, to abandon Southern Norway and continue the fight from Tromsø.

James Wishart

His last naval role was as Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean taking over from Sir John Jennings.


Today, Jinhae hosts major naval facilities of the South Korean Navy including Commander-in-Chief Republic of Korea Fleet (CINCROKFLT) and the Naval Academy.

John K. Gerhart

He returned to the United States in July 1957 to become the first deputy chief of staff, plans and programs, in Air Force Headquarters - the job he held until appointed by President John F. Kennedy to be commander-in-chief of the North American Air Defense Command, August 1, 1962.

Life Guards

Commander-in-Chief's Guard of the Continental Army, commonly referred to as Washington's Life Guards

Michael E. Ennis

In 1986, Ennis was named Naval Representative to the Commander-in-Chief of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany.

Mount Tennant

Named by members of HMS Snipe, following an Antarctic cruise in January 1948, for Vice Admiral Sir William Tennant, then Commander-in-Chief of the America and West Indies Station.

Niccolò Ludovisi

He was the son of Orazio Ludovisi, patrician of Bologna and commander-in-chief of the Papal Army (as well as brother of Pope Gregory XV), and Lavinia Albergati.

Nikephoros Phokas the Elder

Nikephoros made his name as the Byzantine commander-in-chief (monostrategos, "single-general") against the Arabs in southern Italy, a post to which he was appointed in late 885, or, according to Shaun Tougher, after the accession of Leo VI the Wise in July 886.

North America and West Indies Station

In 1952, the Commander-in-Chief, Vice Admiral Sir William Andrewes, became the initial Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic.

Northwood Headquarters

In 2002, following a rationalisation, the Commander-in-Chief Fleet moved the majority of his staff to Portsmouth and handed over the Northwood site to the Chief of Joint Operations.

Now It's My Turn

As openly lesbian, she considered leaving the campaign; she only stayed because she believed George W. Bush to be the best commander-in-chief during the War on Terror.


Allan Perry-Keene (1898–1987), British air marshal, first Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Pakistan Air Force

Reginald Tupper

After the Armistice, in January 1919, he was promoted to Admiral and appointed Commander-in-Chief, Western Approaches, based at Queenstown (Cobh) in southern Ireland.

Robert Dunsmuir

Rear Admiral Arthur Farquhar, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet invested a further $12,000.

Robert Lockhart

General Sir Rob Lockhart, British general, Commander in Chief of the Indian Army and scout movement notable

Robert W. Sennewald

Sennewald served as Commander in Chief, U.N. Command/Commander in Chief, ROK/U.S. Combined Forces Command/Commander, U.S. Forces Korea/Commanding General, Eighth U.S. Army (CINCUNC/CINCCFC/COMUSFK/CG EUSA) from 1982 to 1984; and as Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces Command (CG FORSCOM) from 1984 to 1986.


Satanachia is described in the Grand Grimoire as a commander-in-chief of Satan's army, who controls either forty-five or fifty-four legions of demons, including Pruflas, Aamon, Barbatos, and Astaroth.

Sergiy Kirichenko

On June 6, 2005 by Decree # 961/2005 of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, he was assigned to be the Chief of the General Staff – Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Jan Zygmunt Skrzynecki (1787–1860), Polish gerneral, Commander-in-Chief of the November Uprising 1830–1831


Sonthi Boonyaratglin (born 1946), former Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army

South-East Asian theatre of World War II

India Command under General Sir Archibald Wavell the Commander-in-Chief (CinC) of the Army of India and the Far East Command, first under Air Chief Marshal Robert Brooke-Popham and then from December 23, 1941 commanded by Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Royds Pownall.

Vasili Altfater

In October, he became a member of the Revolutionary Military Council (Реввоенсовет, Revvoyensovet) and appointed Commander-in-chief of the Soviet Naval Forces.


In 1047, a John Vatatzes joined the revolt of Leo Tornikios, but in the 12th century they rose to high offices: Theodore Vatatzes was named despotes by Emperor Manuel I, and his son John Komnenos Vatatzes became megas domestikos (commander-in-chief of the Byzantine army).

Wang Hai

After the war, he was promoted to command an air division, and later the Commander-in-chief and vice Party Secretary of the Guangzhou Military Region Air Force.

William Cathcart, 1st Earl Cathcart

From 1803 to 1805 Lord Cathcart was commander-in-chief in Ireland, and in the latter year he was sent by Pitt to supersede Sir George Don in command of the 14,000 strong British expedition to Hanover.

William Hicks

This resulted in the dismissal of Suliman Niazi and the appointment of Hicks as commander-in-chief of an expeditionary force to Kordofan with orders to crush the mahdi, who in January 1883 had captured El Obeid, the capital of that province.


Albert G. Winterhalter (1856–1920), admiral in the United States Navy, commander in chief of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet from 1915 to 1917

Wu Guangxin

In August 1917 Duan obtained Feng Guozhang's appointment of Wu as Commander-in-Chief of the Upper Yangtze River, and concurrently Inspector of Sichuan, with orders to advance into Sichuan to resolve its internal conflicts.