
unusual facts about Commandery


Commandry (feudalism) or Commandery, a current and historical administrative level of European Orders of Knights

Ancient Diocese of Ribe

In the city of Ribe there were also the Benedictine nunnery of St. Nicholas (founded before 1215), a Franciscan friary and the Dominican St. Catherine's Priory, both dating from 1259, a hospital of the Holy Ghost and a commandery of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, both dating from about 1300.

Charles Comfort Tiffany

Tiffany was a member of the Massachusetts Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States – an organization for officers who served in the Union armed forces during the US Civil War.

Consort Fu

Consort Fu's father was from the Commandery of Henei (roughly modern Handan, Hebei) and died early.

Emperor Huizong of Song

A few years later (1141), as the peace negotiations leading up to the Treaty of Shaoxing between the Jin and the Song were proceeding, the Jin posthumously honored Huizong with the neutral-sounding title of Prince of Tianshun qun, after a commandery in the upper reaches of the Wei River (now in Gansu).

Emperor Yang of Sui

Apparently beginning to consider the idea of evacuating to south of the Yangtze River, he ordered that a major palace be built at Piling Commandery (毗陵, roughly modern Changzhou, Jiangsu), and that another palace be built at Kuaiji Commandery (會稽, roughly modern Shaoxing, Zhejiang).

Empress Dowager Xia

The future Empress Dowager Xia was from Kuaiji Commandery (會稽, roughly modern Shaoxing, Zhejiang).

Empress Yu Wenjun

In 327, Yu Liang further resolved on separating Su, then the governor of Liyang Commandery (歷陽, roughly modern Chaohu, Anhui) from his troops, and he promoted Su to be the minister of agriculture—a post that did not involve commanding troops.

Empress Zhang Yao'er

Her son Chen Chang, despite his young age (15), was made the governor of Wuxing Commandery, but subsequently was summoned by Emperor Yuan, along with Chen Baxian's nephew Chen Xu, to the new capital Jiangling, to serve at the central government and to effectively serve as hostages.

Gan Ning

In the spring of 208, Sun Quan led his forces west to attack Huang Zu at Jiangxia commandery (江夏郡; commandery capital in present-day Yunmeng County, Xiaogan, Hubei) and succeeded in defeating and capturing the latter alive, as well as taking control over the latter's troops.

They reached Jiangxia (江夏; commandery capital in present-day Yunmeng County, Xiaogan, Hubei) commandery in the eastern part of Jing Province but were unable to cross the border into Wu territory, so Gan Ning remained at Jiangxia and became a subordinate of the commandery's Administrator (太守) Huang Zu.

Geng Kui

In the autumn they defeated the troops of Yunzhong Commandery and killed Grand Administrator Cheng Yan, and besieged the Colonel Protector of the Wuhuan in the city of Macheng.

Geng Yan

He was the son of Geng Kuang (耿況), who was the governor of Shanggu Commandery (上谷, roughly modern Zhangjiakou, Hebei).


# Henei, an ancient administrative division (or commandery) in China, situated in present-day northern Henan.

Ling Tong

In 204, Sun Quan attacked Huang Zu, the Administrator (太守) of Jiangxia (江夏; commandery capital in present-day Yunmeng County, Xiaogan, Hubei), a commandery on the eastern border of Jing Province.

In 208, Sun Quan attacked Huang Zu at Jiangxia (江夏; commandery capital in present-day Yunmeng County, Xiaogan, Hubei) again.

Liu Sui

During the reign of Emperor Jing of Han, key advisor Chao Cuo suggested emperor to use past ignored offenses committed by the princes to reduce size of their lands, and Sui lost the Changshan commandery in this process.

Longxi Commandery

The southern parts of the old commandery controlling the Han and Bailong were reörganized as Wudu.


Wang Chang and Cheng Dan moved to the west, toward the Commandery of Nan (roughly modern Jingzhou, Hubei); this branch was known as the Xiajiang Force (下江兵).

Masonic bodies

The York Rite, being the older of the two, which, aside from the craft lodge, comprises four separate and distinct bodies: the Royal Arch Chapter (Capitular Masonry), the Council of Royal & Select Masters (Cryptic Masonry), the Commandery of the Knights Templar, and the York Rite College.

The York Rite (sometimes called the American Rite), which, together with the craft lodge, comprises four separate and distinct bodies: the Royal Arch Chapter (Capitular Masonry), the Council of Royal & Select Masters (Cryptic Masonry), the Commandery of the Knights Templar, and the York Rite College.

Pan Zhang

In 223, Cao Pi sent Zhang He, Xu Huang, Cao Zhen, Xiahou Shang and others to lead armies to attack Nan commandery (南郡; around present-day Jingzhou, Hubei) with the objective of capturing Jiangling (江陵; present-day Jiangling County, Jingzhou, Hubei), which was defended by Zhu Ran.

Qi County, Kaifeng

Cai Wenji, a Han Dynasty poet and composer,was born shortly before 178 in Yu Prefecture (圉縣), Chenliu Commandery (陳留), in what is now Qi County, Kaifeng, Henan.

Qianshan County

The Two Qiaos, two sisters from the Three Kingdoms era were from Wan County, Lujiang Commandery (present-day Qianshan County, Anhui).

Qiao Zong

Qiao Zong was from Baxi Commandery (巴西, roughly modern Nanchong, Sichuan).

Scottish Knights Templar

Knights Templar Internationally use the Cross pattée, including The Commandery of St Clair in alignment with the International Order OSMTH, The Grand Priory of the Scots (mainly American Scots) a Cross with two branches, and other Scottish Knights Templar Groups use the Eight Pointed Cross coloured red more commonly but not exclusively known as the Maltese Cross, of the Knights Hospitaller or Order of St. John or Cross of Amalfi.


Under the Qin Empire, the area was part of Longxi Commandery but the Emperor Wu of the Han separated the region as the Tianshui Commandery as part of his expansion towards the Tarim Basin.

Yuan An

Born in Ruyang (汝陽), Ru'nan (汝南) commandery (near modern Shangshui, Henan province) to a gentry family, Yuan An inherited knowledge in the Book of Changes from his grandfather Yuan Liang (袁良), who had reached the position of magistrate around 25.

Yuan Lang

At the time that Yuan Lang became the governor of Bohai Commandery, the imperial government was dominated by members of the paramount general Erzhu Rong, who, after Emperor Xiaozhuang had killed Erzhu Rong in 530, overthrew and killed Emperor Xiaozhuang, installing Yuan Ye and Emperor Jiemin successively.

see also