
2 unusual facts about Compiler-compiler

Atlas Autocode

Atlas Autocode's second-greatest claim to fame (after being the progenitor of Imp and EMAS) was that it had many of the features of the original "Compiler Compiler".


The first compiler-compiler to use that name was written by Tony Brooker in 1960 and was used to create compilers for the Atlas computer at the University of Manchester, including the Atlas Autocode compiler.

Abdias of Babylon

The text of the compiler who may then be called the Pseudo-Abdias may be found in Constantin von Tischendorf, and in the Codex Apocryphus Novi Testimenti of Johann Albert Fabricius.

Abel Boyer

For this reason doubtless Alexander Pope gave him a niche in The Dunciad (book ii. 413), where, under the soporific influence of Dulness, "Boyer the state, and Law the stage gave o'er" his crime, according to Pope's explanatory note, being that he was "a voluminous compiler of annals, political collections, &c."


The company was founded in 1998 as a technology spin-off from the Department of Programming Languages and Compiler Construction of Prof. Reinhard Wilhelm at Saarland University.


ALGOL 68RS is the second ALGOL 68 compiler written by I.F. Currie and J.D. Morrison at the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment.

Automatic parallelization tool

It translates C and Fortran programs with OpenMP pragmas into C code suitable for compiling with a native compiler linked with


BDS C (or the BD Software C Compiler) is a compiler for a sizeable subset of the C programming language, that ran on and generated code for the Intel 8080 and Zilog Z80 processors.

Benedict Levita

Benedict's collection was also first used by bishops in the Reims province, and recent work by Klaus Zechiel-Eckes has shown that its compiler likely used the monastic library available at Corbie (in the diocese of Amiens) to compile at least some of the forged laws.


Borland Graphics Interface, a graphics library included with many Borland compiler products in the 1990s


Since writing a custom code generator is a challenge in itself, and the compiler back ends available to researchers at that time were complex and poorly documented, several projects had written compilers which generated C code (for instance, the original Modula-3 compiler).

C/C++ Users Journal

The magazine started as a 16-page quarterly newsletter named BDS C Users' Group, and its target was users of Leor Zolman's BDS C compiler.


These variables are most commonly used to specify optimization or debugging switches to a compiler, as for example -g, -O2 or (GCC-specific) -march=athlon.


Cfront was the original compiler for C++ (then known as "C with Classes") from around 1983, which converted C++ to C; developed by Bjarne Stroustrup.

Charles Viner

In 1865 Viner became compiler of Edward Oppen's Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue and produced 24 editions up to 1891.


It is believed that the first compiler was written by Grace Hopper, in 1952, for the A-0 programming language.

Coral 66

Source code for a Coral 66 compiler (written in BCPL) has been recovered and the "Official Definition of Coral 66" document by HMSO has been scanned; the Ministry of Defence patent office has issued a licence to the Edinburgh Computer History project to allow them to put both the code and the language reference online for non-commercial use.

Duncan Macrae

Donnchadh MacRath aka Duncan MacRae of Inverinate (died between 1693 and 1704), Gaelic poet and compiler

ERIKA Enterprise

Thanks to the collaboration with the Tool & Methodologies team of Magneti Marelli Powertrain & Electronics, the automotive kernel (BCC1, BCC2, ECC1, ECC2, multicore, memory protection and kernel fixed priority with Diab 5.5.1 compiler) is MISRA C 2004 compliant using FlexeLint 9.00h under the configuration suggested by Magneti Marelli.

George Townsend

George Henry Townsend (died 1869), English literary compiler and journalist

Harmony Compiler

The compiler was designed to encode music for the PDP-1 and built on an earlier program Samson wrote for the TX-0 computer.

Heinrich Gustav Hotho

He is famous for being the compiler and editor of Hegel's posthumous work Lectures on Aesthetics.

Henry Atkinson

Henry Atkinson manuscript, compiler of an early (1694-5) music manuscript in Northumberland

Howard Garns

However, Will Shortz, a crossword compiler for the New York Times, discovered that Garns's name appeared in the list of contributors at the front of the magazine whenever Number Place appeared, and was absent from all other editions.


It uses doxygen to generate class tree, but only supports one compiler, that is GCC/MinGW.

Igor Artimovich

Since 2004 he worked in the Saint-Petersburg branch of the Sun Microsystems company in the department of development of the C compiler which was belonged to a set of development tools of the software named Sun Studio.

James Hoe

This synthesis system is the basis of the Bluespec language and compiler by Bluespec, Inc.

John of Fintona

Called "subtillissimus canonum doctor/a most subtle teacher of canon law" by Tommaso Diplovataccio, John was the compiler of a fine commentry on decretals.

Joseph Ayloffe

He saw through the press John Thorpe's Registrum Roffense, which was published in 1769 by the compiler's son.


MBASIC is also the name of a commercial BASIC compiler for the Microchip Technology PIC microcontroller family developed by Basic Micro, Inc., unrelated to the CP/M interpreter.


Moonrock Basic Compiler, a legacy compiler for a QuickBasic -like language

Nicaea of Corinth

She is probably the same person mentioned in the Suda (s.v. Euphorion) as patronising the poet Euphorion of Chalcis, though the compiler calls her husband only ruler of Euboea.

Paul H. Cress

He was a young lecturer in computer science at the University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) when, starting in 1966, he and his colleague Paul Dirksen led a team of programmers developing a fast Fortran programming language compiler called WATFOR (WATerloo FORtran), for the IBM System/360 family of computers.


A compiler developed at Cornell University for teaching a dialect called PL/C, had the unusual capability of never failing to compile any program, through the use of extensive automatic correction of many syntax errors and by converting any remaining syntax errors to output statements.

CDC delivered an optimizing subset PL/I compiler for Cyber 70, 170 and 6000 series.


The Production Quality Compiler-Compiler Project (or PQCC) was a long-term project led by William Wulf at Carnegie Mellon University to produce an industrial-strength compiler-compiler.

Rudolf Carnap

In the U.S, the concept of logical syntax helped the development of natural language processing and compiler design (the Parrot virtual machine and LLVM).


David Bacon, who was previously a PhD student in NYU with Jack Schwartz still actively maintains the compiler for SETL and its website.

Simon Levack

He has acknowledged Australian historian and anthropologist Inga Clendinnen and the work of Bernardino de Sahagún, compiler of the Florentine Codex, as influences; he has also (in an interview with the Criminal History ezine) indicated that science fiction has been an influence on his work.


The compiler was then called SmallEiffel, in reference to the Smalltalk language.

Stride of an array

In the above code snippet, myArray might well turn out to have a stride of four bytes, rather than three, if the C code were compiled for a 32-bit architecture, and the compiler had optimized (as is usually the case) for minimum processing time rather than minimum memory usage.


Urs Hölzle, who worked on the powerful Self compiler, spoke with Griswold about implementing the same "type feedback" in a Smalltalk compiler.

The Portland Group

PGI has more recently participated in the specification of the new standard OpenACC directives for GPU computing, and has released a compiler for the OpenCL language on multi-core ARM processors.

The Positive Quotations Series

Following the death of compiler John Cook in 2001, Steve Deger and Leslie Ann Gibson took over as series editors, creating The Women's Book of Positive Quotations (2002, now out-of-print), The Little Book of Positive Quotations (2006) and a revised and expanded The Book of Positive Quotations, 2nd Edition (2007), which included 3,000 new quotations.


The Whitesmiths compiler, first written for the PDP-11, was released in 1978 and compiled a version of C similar to that accepted by Version 6 Unix (Dennis Ritchie's original C compiler).

William III de Cantilupe

, Ulster King of Arms (compiler).

XML transformation language

The XStream compiler is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL free software license.

Year 10,000 problem

The GNU Fortran compiler, g77, makes reference in run-time environment limits to year 10000 (Y10K) problems when using intrinsic functions with this compiler suite.

Zev Hirsch Bernstein

Zev Hirsch Bernstein (1847, Kudirkos Naumiestis, Suwalki Province, Poland – 1907, Tannersville, New York) was the author and compiler of the Hatsofe B'Erez Hachadosho, the first Hebrew periodical in the United States.


The company was eventually taken over in 1991 by Symantec Inc who wanted access to their compiler technology.

see also