
2 unusual facts about Concentric


Coaxial cable is a type of electrical cable in which the combined neutral and earth core completely surrounds the live core(s) in system of concentric cylindrical shells.

Seismic metamaterials

Concentric layers of this material would be stacked, each layer separated by an elastic medium.


Concentric |


The garden at Easton Lodge, Essex, designed by Harold Peto inherited what was now called a bosquet but was originally a seventeenth-century garden wilderness, the "curious" English variant of the bosquet: "This ornamental grove or thicket was planted with native tree species approximately 400 years ago and originally included a path network of concentric circles and radiating lines." (ref. Easton Lodge)

Cave pearl

In this manner, concentric layers build up over time, in much the same way that a biological pearl forms within a mollusc.

Concentric spheres

The cosmological model of concentric or homocentric spheres, developed by Eudoxus, Callippus, and Aristotle, employed celestial spheres all of which had the same center, the Earth.

Conformal cyclic cosmology

In 2010, Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan published a preprint of a paper claiming that observations of the cosmic microwave background made by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and the BOOMERanG experiment showed concentric anomalies which were consistent with the CCC hypothesis, with a low probability of the null hypothesis that the observations in question were caused by chance.

Fleming's left-hand rule for motors

Michael Faraday introduced a visual analogy for this, in the form of imaginary magnetic lines of force: those in the conductor form concentric circles round the conductor; those in the externally applied magnetic field run in parallel lines.

Forrestdale and Thomsons Lakes Ramsar Site

They are similar in size and shape, being oval, about 1.6 km long by 1.3 km wide, with large central areas of open water when full and with shorelines vegetated with concentric fringes of the introduced bulrush Typha orientalis, sedges, paperbarks and other plants tolerant of seasonal waterlogging.


The Kylchap was not the only advanced steam locomotive exhaust: another design, the Lemaître, had some success in France and England; noted Argentinian engineer Livio Dante Porta designed several, the Kylpor, Lempor and Lemprex designs; and several U.S. railroads including the Norfolk & Western used a concentric nozzle known as the waffle iron exhaust.

Philharmonic Hall

Philharmonic Hall, Cologne below the level of the Roncalliplatz in Cologne is the Philharmonic Hall, with seating for 2,000 rising in concentric segments of a circle.

Samkha Kshetra

The Nilachal (Blue Mountain) is part of traditional division of Puri into seven concentric circles having the Lion throne in the place of common centre.

The Guide for the Perplexed

The world-view asserted in the work is essentially Aristotelian, with a spherical earth in the centre, surrounded by concentric Heavenly Spheres.

Vastu shastra

Brahma occupied the central portion – the Brahmasthana- and other gods were distributed around in a concentric pattern.

Vector-field consistency

The consistency vector-fields emanate from field-generators designated as pivots (for example, players) and field intensity attenuates as distance grows from these pivots in concentric or square-like regions.


A pattern of concentric circles on the lids is said to represent ripples in water and represent the "zen philosophy" that designers wanted to portray when creating the laptops.

see also