For example, Isaiah Berlin used the metaphor of a “Fox” and a “Hedgehog” to make conceptual distinctions in how important philosophers and authors view the world.
.NET Framework | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | conceptual art | Common European Framework of Reference for Languages | Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development | framework | Spring Framework | Django (web framework) | Australian Qualifications Framework | Conceptual art | Application framework | Curriculum and Standards Framework | Schools Interoperability Framework | .Net Framework | National Qualifications Framework | Meta Content Framework | Web application framework | web application framework | Simulation Open Framework Architecture | Quality and Outcomes Framework | Qualifications and Credit Framework | Public Sector Credit Framework | Okapi Framework | Museum of Conceptual Art | Malaysian Qualifications Framework | Legal Framework Order, 1970 | Laika (EHR testing framework) | Information Framework (IFW) | Information Framework | Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework |
Part I motivates the study of the individual in psychology, provides a framework for contrasting nativist and empiricist views and provides a history of psychology that traces its gradual independence from physiology and philosophy to a subject in its own right.
The Information Space, or I-Space was developed by Max Boisot as a conceptual framework relating the degree of structure of knowledge (i.e. its level of codification and abstraction) to its diffusibility as that knowledge develops.
Permutatude theory is an ongoing conceptual framework for exploring mass collective psychology and global social evolution as developed by interdisciplinary artist and theorist, Gayil Nalls.
In 2006, Pulitzer Prize winning author, Laurie Garrett, worked with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to create a prototype "Doc In A Box" based on Garrett's conceptual framework.