
unusual facts about Condorcet

Claude Charles Fauriel

Those who enjoyed his closest intimacy were the physiologist Cabanis (Madame de Condorcet's brother-in-law), the poet Alessandro Manzoni, the publicist Benjamin Constant, and François Guizot.

Dodgson's method

In short, we must find the voting profile with minimum Kendall tau distance from the input, such that it has a Condorcet winner; they are declared the victor.


Sophie de Condorcet (Sophie de Condorcet) (1764 - 1822), French writer and wife of Nicolas de Condorcet

Letters to a German Princess

The Marquis de Condorcet's translation, made during the Age of Enlightenment, was notable for its omission of Euler’s theological references which Condorcet found as "anathema" to teaching science and rationalism.

Robert de Lamanon

They perfected their studies in Paris and there met the most famous scholars of the era : Laplace, Jussieu, d'Alembert, the Monge brothers, Volney, Malesherbes, and Condorcet, secretary of the Académie des sciences.

Society of the Friends of Truth

A number of seminal authors, Louis-Sebastien Mercier, Nicolas-Edme Rétif de la Bretonne, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Condorcet, Jacques Pierre Brissot, and Jean-Marie Roland, were published under the Club's auspices.


The third semester was hosted by the university Center Condorcet in Le Creusot, which is a delocalization of the Université de Bourgogne.

see also