Led by Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, the football schools that would be left behind under this initial plan — UConn, Pittsburgh, Rutgers, Virginia Tech, and West Virginia — filed two lawsuits, one against the ACC, and the other against Miami and BC, accusing them of improper disclosure of confidential information and of conspiring to weaken the Big East.
CIPSEA establishes uniform confidentiality protections for information collected for statistical purposes by U.S. statistical agencies, and it allows some data sharing between the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and Census Bureau.
Manufactured and marketed by Tenix Datagate, the Interactive Link hardware products have been evaluated to the highest level under international security criteria with a strong focus on maintaining the confidentiality of the secure network.
On September 13, 2013 Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak named McNaughton Official Opposition Critic for Labour after dismissing Randy Hillier from the role for violating caucus confidentiality.
Confidentiality - Encryption of packets to prevent snooping by an unauthorized source.
Speakerphones are also sometimes used, but these can create challenges both in terms of confidentiality, and for the interpreter, especially due to background noise, which can hinder the interpreter's ability to hear.
In the wake of this program, then-Georgia governor Roy Barnes decided to set up a Child Advocate Office with the authority to bypass the state's confidentiality laws and independently investigate and review child abuse cases handled by the Department of Family and Children's Services.