
unusual facts about Conjunctions


Chaeremon of Alexandria

He was the author of a History of Egypt; of works on Comets, Egyptian astrology, and Hieroglyphics; and of a grammatical treatise on expletive conjunctions.

Fiona Maazel

Maazel's work has appeared in publications including The New York Times Book Review, The New York Times, Tin House, Bomb, Fence, The Mississippi Review, Conjunctions, The Common, The Yale Review, Anthem, The Village Voice, N+1, This American Life, Selected Shorts, and on salon.com.

Greg Hrbek

Since 1999, Hrbek has written short fiction, with stories appearing in Harper's Magazine, Salmagundi, Idaho Review, Conjunctions, and Black Warrior Review.

Ibn Yunus

Ibn Yunus's observations on conjunctions and eclipses were used in Richard Dunthorne and Simon Newcombs' respective calculations of the secular acceleration of the moon.

Neal Chase

Their report claimed that Chase based these predictions on Biblical prophecies, evidence from Hopi prophecies, planetary conjunctions, dreams, numerological coincidences, Nostradamus, and psychics.

Paul Hoover

His poetry has appeared in the literary magazines American Poetry Review, Triquarterly, Conjunctions, The Paris Review, Partisan Review, Sulfur, The New Republic, Hambone, and The Iowa Review, among others.


Positive Polarity Reed-Muller: representation of a boolean function as a single algebraic sum (xor) of one or more conjunctions of one or more literals

Shelley Jackson

In the late nineties, Jackson alternated hypertext work with writing short stories (in publications such as The Paris Review and Conjunctions) and children's books.

see also