
6 unusual facts about Constance Markievicz

Dublin Lock-out

Other leaders in the ITGWU at the time were James Connolly and William X. O'Brien, while influential figures such as Patrick Pearse, Countess Markievicz and William Butler Yeats supported the workers, in the generally anti-Larkin media.

Irish Women Workers' Union

Helena Moloney, an Abbey actor and nationalist, became involved and with Constance Markievicz helped to organise soup kitchens at Liberty Hall during the dispute.

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn

Thus, she became the first woman to hold an Irish cabinet post since 1922, when Countess Markievicz was Minister for Labour in the First Dáil starting 1919.

Paul Gore-Booth, Baron Gore-Booth

His aunt was the Irish republican politician and socialist revolutionary, Constance Markievicz (née Gore-Booth).

Red Countess

Constance Markievicz (1868–1927), Irish politician, suffragette and socialist

Roger Faligot

Constance Markievicz, in : Des femmes dans le monde (collectif), Paris : Messidor-Temps Actuels, 1982

see also