
unusual facts about Constans

Shrewsbury Hoard

The coins are all bronze and silver-washed bronze nummi, and date to the period between AD 313 and 335, corresponding to the latter part of the reign of Constantine I and the period of joint reign of his three sons, Constantine II, Constantius II and Constans.

B-box zinc finger

Proteins containing a B-box zinc finger domain include transcription factors, ribonucleoproteins and proto-oncoproteins; for example, MID1, MID2, TRIM9, TNL, TRIM36, TRIM63, TRIFIC, NCL1 and CONSTANS-like proteins.

Constans II

According to Warren Treadgold, the first themes were created between 659 and 661, during the reign of Constans II.

In 663 Constans visited Rome for twelve days—the only emperor to set foot in Rome for two centuries—and was received with great honor by Pope Vitalian (657–672).

Flavius Salia

Constans dispatched him after the Council of Sardica, along with two bishops, Vincentius of Capua and Euphrates of Cologne, to the court of his brother, Constantius II at Antioch, with a letter from Constans demanding that Constantius restore the Patriarch of Alexandria Athanasius to his see.


---something wrong here. Iconoclast was NOT a person! ---and Iconoclast, condemned at the Second Council of Nicæa in 787;---> Constans, at the Council of Nicæa (787); John, at the Fourth Council of Constantinople in 869–70.

Roman ruins of Casais Velhos

The excavation of the necropolis yielded a vast collection of ceramic vessels, jewelries, weapons and coins, the latter attributed to Constantius II(c.317-361), Constans (c.?-350), Theodosius I (c.346-395), Constantine the Great (c.271-337) and Arcadius (c.377-408), suggesting a more permanent occupation.

see also