
unusual facts about Constrictor


Pharyngeal constrictor, one of the muscles that serves to constrict the pharynx.

Coluber constrictor anthicus

Coluber constrictor anthicus, commonly known as the buttermilk racer, is a subspecies of racer, a nonvenomous, colubrid snake, endemic to the southern United States.

Coluber constrictor flaviventris

Coluber constrictor flaviventris, commonly known as the eastern yellowbelly racer, is a subspecies of racer, a nonvenomous, colubrid snake.

Killian's dehiscence

Killian's dehiscence (also known as Killian's triangle, Laimer triangle, Laimer-Killian triangle, or Laimer-Haeckermann area) is a triangular area in the wall of the pharynx between the thyropharyngeus part of the inferior constrictor of the pharynx and the cricopharyngeus muscle, also of the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharnyx (also see Pharyngeal pouch).

Mrs Bradley

Perhaps the most amusing description is to be found in Dead Men’s Morris (1936), where she has “the maternal anxiety of a boa-constrictor which watches its young attempting to devour their first donkey”!

see also