
unusual facts about Construction workers using the old suspension bridge to support the arch of the new bridge while under construction. Caption from ''Popular Science

Akira Fujii

He graduated from Tama Art University in 1961, and began working at observatories, producing a substantial bibliography of general-audience astronomy books.

Alexander Leydenfrost

He continued to illustrate for Life throughout his career, in addition to other major magazines including Skyways, Liberty, Look, Popular Science and Esquire.

Arthur Hammerstein

He also was the producer of the film The Lottery Bride (1930), and made an appearance as himself in an episode of the film series Popular Science in 1949.

C.B. Colby

In 1943 he became aviation editor of Popular Science magazine and became a war correspondent with the U.S. Army Air Forces in Newfoundland, Labrador, and Alaska.

Dr Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation

Dr Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation: The Definitive Guide to the Evolutionary Biology of Sex is a 2002 popular science book by the British evolutionary biologist Olivia Judson written in the role of her alter ego, agony aunt Dr Tatiana.

Electrician and Mechanic

In October 1915 the title became Popular Science Monthly and the magazine is still published under that name today.

Experimenter Publishing

After a series of mergers and title changes the magazine became Popular Science Monthly in October 1915 and is still published today.

Paul S. Wesson

Most of his articles have appeared in the standard journals for astronomy and theoretical physics, but he has also written pieces for New Scientist and other magazines of popular science.

Popular Science

This company had purchased Electrician and Mechanic magazine in 1914 and over the next two years merged several magazines together into a science magazine for a general audience.

Stephen Snobelen

His current teaching and research interests are History of science (Early Modern and nineteenth century); Science and religion; Isaac Newton; The popularization of science; Radical theology in the Early Modern period; and Millenarianism.

Striped killifish

In Feb 1916, Popular Science Monthly had a news article on research being done by Professor S. O. Mast of the zoological department of Johns Hopkins.

William Little Lee

His widow Catherine Newton traveled back to New York and in 1861 married Edward L. Youmans, the founder of Popular Science.

see also