
unusual facts about Consultor

Governing Council

The Governing Council, in accord with Statutes which the Ordinary must approve, will have the rights and responsibilities accorded by the Code of Canon Law to the College of Consultors and the Presbyteral Council.


Consultor | consultor |

André de Halleux

De Halleux was actively involved in oecumenical dialogue, was appointed a consultor to the Pontifical Secretariat for Christian Unity in 1974, and took part in the Vienna 'Pro Oriente' colloquia.

Joseph de Torre

He was consultor to the late Cardinal Julio Rosales in the Pontifical Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law, to the Papal Nuncio to the Philippines, Archbishop Bruno Torpiglani, and to Cardinal Jaime Sin, who appointed him delegate to the 1979 Synod of Manila, as expert in social ethics.

Joseph Kleutgen

During his residence in Rome and the vicinity (1843-74), besides pastoral work and the composition of his principal writings, he was substitute to the secretary of the general of the Jesuits (1843-56), secretary (1856-62), consultor of the Congregation of the Index, and collaborator in the preparation of the Constitution Dei Filius of the First Vatican Council.

Luis Fernando Figari

In 2002, Pope John Paul II named Figari as Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

Pontifical Biblical Commission

The Pontifical Biblical Commission was established as a committee of Cardinals, aided by consultors, who met in Rome to ensure the proper interpretation and defense of Sacred Scripture.

Robert Skeris

Having served from 1986 through 1989 as Professor and Prefetto della Casa at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome, where he also had been named Consultor to the Vatican's Office of Pontifical Ceremonies, Fr.

see also