
unusual facts about Contemplation


Contemplation was an important part of the philosophy of Plato; Plato thought that through contemplation the soul may ascend to knowledge of the Form of the Good or other divine Forms.

Al-Murtada Muhammad

He withdrew to a life of scholarship and contemplation and died in Sa'dah, the centre of Zaydiyya rule, in May 922.

Bahá'í Faith and Buddhism

The Bahá'í teachings uphold all parts of the Eightfold Noble Path: right view, right aim or right-mindedness, right speech, right action, right living or livelihood, right effort or endeavour, right mindfulness and right contemplation.

Compases para preguntas ensimismadas

The title is taken from lines by the poet Gaston Salvatore, means literally metres for questions absorbed in self-contemplation.

Fear and Trembling

Faith is to him the highest actual passion, which, thrilled by the consciousness of sin and guilt, appropriates to itself the paradox in defiance of the understanding, and from which all comprehension, all contemplation are excluded, as it is of a purely practical nature, a mere act of the will.

Juan de Plasencia

A mystical work which he entitled "La Santina", was an Opus number on prayer and contemplation entirely done in the Tagalog language so the natives who did not know Spanish could also engage in the spiritual exercises of their teachers.

Las armas secretas

The Droolings of the Devil ("Blow-Up" in the US translation): the story that inspired the film Blowup by Michelangelo Antonioni for its digressive execution of metalinguistic narrative and lucid contemplation; (its beginning guarantees it, never will you know how it has to be told, if in the first person or in the second, using the third person plural or continually inventing forms that serve no purpose)

Marie-Dominique Chenu

While at the Angelicum Chenu was ordained in 1919 and completed his doctorate in theology in 1920 under the direction of Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange with a dissertation entitled De contemplatione, which studied the meaning of contemplation in Thomas Aquinas.

Peter Joseph Bis

Terry Mattingly reported that a painting of Bis, titled, “A Contemplation of Justice,” was placed near the entrance of the church.

Poet and Muse diptych

The poet on the facing panel is seated, roused from his contemplation by the inspiring presence of his Muse.


Silent illumination may be understood as the integrated practice of shamatha (calming the mind) and vipashyana (insightful contemplation), and was the hallmark of the Chinese Caodong school of Chan.

Social media

From Nicholas Carr, "As media theorist Marshall McLuhan pointed out in 1960s, media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation."

Steven Tainer

Together with Piet Hut, Steven Tainer has explored two distinctive ways of knowing, science and contemplation and how they can be reconciled at the Princeton Program for Interdisciplinary Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey.

Tao Fong Shan

A Labyrinth is located next to the Lotus Pond, and is used for prayer and contemplation.

William of St-Thierry

On account of long infirmities and a lifelong desire for a life of contemplation, William resigned his abbacy in 1135 and entered the newly established Cistercian abbey at Signy, also in the diocese of Reims.

see also