
unusual facts about Contemporary Works II

Julia Messenger

Messenger has also recorded vocals for German electronic music composer and musician Klaus Schulze, on Contemporary Works II in 2002 and Ballet III and KS – Essential Extracts (Adds & Edits) in 2000.

Big in Japan: Live in Tokyo 2010

Taking in consideration the previously released multi-disc box sets (Silver Edition, Historic Edition, Jubilee Edition, Contemporary Works I, and Contemporary Works II), it could be viewed as Schulze's one hundred and first album.

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It was originally released in 2009, and, taking in consideration the previously released multi-disc box sets (Silver Edition, Historic Edition, Jubilee Edition, Contemporary Works I, and Contemporary Works II), it could be viewed as Schulze's one hundredth album.


It was originally released in 2007, and, taking in consideration the previously released multi-disc box sets (Silver Edition, Historic Edition, Jubilee Edition, Contemporary Works I, and Contemporary Works II), it could be viewed as Schulze's ninety-seventh album.

see also