
2 unusual facts about Contextualization


Contextualism, a collection of views in philosophy which argue that actions or expressions can only be understood in context

Object Action Complex

Cognition is based on reflective learning, contextualizing and then reinterpreting OACs to learn more abstract OACs, through a grounded sensing and action cycle.

Charles H. Kraft

Kraft writes and teaches about biblical Christianity and culture (including contextualization), communicating biblical Christianity, anthropology and Christianity, cross-cultural Christian theology, worldview, spiritual warfare, inner healing, generational curses, and the evils of Freemasonry.

Kevin Petrie

Prof Petrie is Director of the Institute for International Research in Glass (IIRG), which facilitates new approaches to creative glass and its contextualization.

Klimt 1918

According to Marco Soellner, Klimt 1918's music features the same qualities of de-contextualization, secession and post-modernism found in Klimt's art.

see also