The cartoon was based on Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son and was penned after a pre-election raid by Israeli missiles on Gaza City.
The Sun (newspaper) | weekly newspaper | student newspaper | Weekly newspaper | The Art Newspaper | Today (UK newspaper) | The Voice (newspaper) | The Truth (newspaper) | The Newspaper Guild | Space City (newspaper) | Pennsylvania Gazette (newspaper) | New York Star (1800s newspaper) | National Newspaper Association | Freedom (newspaper) | Expresso (Portuguese newspaper) | Empire (newspaper) | Dolomiten (newspaper) | Dawn (newspaper) | Dan (newspaper) | An ad in the newspaper for the movie When's Your Birthday? | Zan (newspaper) | United States Newspaper Program | The Student (newspaper) | The Sphere (newspaper) | The Saint (UK newspaper) | The Post (British newspaper) | The Nation (Irish newspaper) | The Express Tribune (English newspaper) | Szilágy (newspaper) | Student Newspaper |