
3 unusual facts about Cooperating Associations

Cooperating Associations

Cooperating Associations, also known as interpretive associations or natural history associations, support the interpretive, educational and scientific programs and services of governmental land management agencies such as the National Park Service, USDA Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, US Army Corps of Engineers, or state park departments.

Within the Bureau of Land Management, authority to designate or affiliate with a cooperating association is assigned to the state director but can be re-delegated to district managers.

The US Army Corps of Engineers currently works with 3 cooperating agreements.


National Federation of State High School Associations | Christian Associations of Italian Workers | International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions | European Federation of Psychologists' Associations | National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations | International Federation of Associations of Anatomists | Council of Irish Guiding Associations | World Federation of United Nations Associations | Union of Arab Football Associations | Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme | Unincorporated associations in English law | Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations | Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations | Muslim-Christian Associations | List of Croatian football supporters' associations | International Union of Police Associations | International Federation of Shipmasters' Associations | International Federation of Medical Students' Associations | International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations | Federation of Licensed Victuallers Associations | Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand | Federation of International Pitch and Putt Associations | Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations | Fédération Indochinoise des Associations du Scoutisme | Fédération des associations étudiantes du campus de l'Université de Montréal | European Union of Water Management Associations | European Forum of Medical Associations | Declaration on Masonic Associations | Confederation of German Employers' Associations | Assembly of Turkish American Associations |

see also