
2 unusual facts about Cordillera Central


It is located northeast of the km 25 of Azua road - San Juan at a distance of 26.5 km and 43 km from San Juan Province, 205 km from the capital city and 92 km of the Province Azua, nestled between mountains at the foot of the Cordillera Central.


Osornophryne (Plump Toads) is a genus of true toads endemic to Colombia and Ecuador at Cordillera Central region.

Bothriechis lateralis

Found in the mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama, including the Cordillera de Tilarán, the Cordillera Central and the Cordillera de Talamanca to the provinces of Chiriquí Province and Veraguas.


South America in Colombia east of the Andes, north of the Cordillera Central and north of the Cordillera Oriental, northern Venezuela north of the Cordillera de Mérida and in the drainage of the Río Orinoco, north and west of the Guiana Shield, east of the Orinoco Delta.

Corallus ruschenbergerii

In South America it occurs in Colombia east of the Andes, north of the Cordillera Central and north of the Cordillera Oriental, northern Venezuela north of the Cordillera de Mérida and in the drainage of the Río Orinoco, north and west of the Guiana Shield, east of the Orinoco Delta.

see also

Bothriechis nigroviridis

According to Campbell and Lamar (2004), this species prefers medium to high elevations from 1,150 to over 3,000 m, and is found from the Cordillera Tilarán and Cordillera Central in the southeastern Alajuela province in Costa Rica, southeast through the Cordillera de Talamanca to Chiriquí province in Panama.

Luzon tropical pine forests

The Cordillera Central includes Luzon's highest peak Mount Pulag along with other high peaks such as Mount Puguis, Mount Polis and Mount Data.