
unusual facts about Cordillera Oriental


South America in Colombia east of the Andes, north of the Cordillera Central and north of the Cordillera Oriental, northern Venezuela north of the Cordillera de Mérida and in the drainage of the Río Orinoco, north and west of the Guiana Shield, east of the Orinoco Delta.

Corallus ruschenbergerii

In South America it occurs in Colombia east of the Andes, north of the Cordillera Central and north of the Cordillera Oriental, northern Venezuela north of the Cordillera de Mérida and in the drainage of the Río Orinoco, north and west of the Guiana Shield, east of the Orinoco Delta.

Niceforo's Pintail

The former range of included subtropical and temperate zones of north-central Colombia, 1000-3000 m above sea level in the upper Cauca Valley, the central part of the Cordillera Oriental, the Bogota Savannah and Cundinamarca.

San Ramón, Junín

San Ramón is the second largest town in the Chanchamayo Province of the Junín Region, on the eastern slopes of the Andean Cordillera Oriental in Peru.

see also

Cordillera Mountains

Andes in South-America (Cordillera Oriental, Cordillera Occidental, and Chile's Cordillera de la Costa)