
unusual facts about Corporal punishment

Corporal punishment

Meanwhile, early writers on education, such as Roger Ascham, complained of the arbitrary manner in which children were punished.

John Giles Price

During his first years, Price's actions were staunchly supported by Governor Denison, but by 1852 he expressed regret at the extent to which corporal punishment was used.

Sandringham High School, Johannesburg

The school is situated in middle-to-upper-class Johannesburg suburbia, and during the Apartheid years it reflected a traditional British style of education, with school uniforms and corporal punishment.

The Land of Lost Content

Chenevix-Trench had been a widely acclaimed teacher at Shrewsbury School, and subsequently headmaster at Bradfield College, Eton College and Fettes College, but was later criticised for his approach to corporal punishment.

see also

Buffalo Creek Flood

In the NCIS episode "Corporal Punishment", Dr. Mallard references the Buffalo Creek Disaster when discussing PTSD in a soldier returning from the Iraq War.

Captain's daughter

The Cat o' nine tails, a multi-tailed instrument of corporal punishment; compare gunner's daughter

Carbolic soap

In the 1960s teachers in England were allowed to use corporal punishment in the classroom, so along with the cane, a child who swore in class might be made to wash their mouth out with carbolic soap.


Keelhauling, a form of corporal punishment used against sailors

Mid-Eastern Wrestling Federation

On July 8, 1995, the promotion held an event at the National Guard Armory in Annapolis, Maryland which featured Corporal Punishment, Axl Rotten, Mad Dog O'Malley and the debut of Pat Patterson, Jr. (the kayfabe "son" of Pat Patterson); the card was the first professional wrestling event ever held in Annapolis.