CMTV, a television channel run by Correio da Manhã newspaper, started a series about Apito Dourado in 2013, regarding the 10th year anniversary of the Apito Dourado scandal, by airing the already know wiretaps as well as releasing previously unknown ones.
In 1921, the Correio da Manhã published letters supposedly sent by Artur Bernardes and Raul Soares de Moura that contained insults towards the Armed Forces and Marshal Hermes da Fonseca.
Manhã de Carnaval | Correio da Manhã | A Manhã do Mundo | Correio Braziliense |
Founded in 2004, the company's work and expansion has been reported in several media, including Expresso, Correio da Manhã, The Wall Street Journal, Diário As Beiras, Público, Diário de Coimbra, RDP Antena 1, Jornal de Notícias, TSF, Agência Lusa, Rádio Universidade de Coimbra, El Mundo, RTP 2, Rádio Renascença, etc.