
unusual facts about Correspondence

Abdur Rouf Choudhury

He received much correspondence from the Head of the Mission of the People’s republic of Bangladesh (Calcutta and London), and the High Commissioner (Calcutta), Shirley Williams MP, Nigel Fisher MC MP, Mervyn Pike MP, Victor Goodhew MP, Peter Shore MP and many others.

Alexander Macleay

When the office was linked with the Transport Board after war broke out, Macleay became head of the correspondence department and by 1806 secretary.

American Synesthesia Association

The American Synesthesia Association was created in 1995 by Carol Steen and Patricia Lynne Duffy after discovering, through correspondence with Simon Baron-Cohen, that there were other people in the New York metropolitan area who experienced synesthesia.

Barbara Bray

She translated the correspondence of Gustave Flaubert, and work by leading French speaking writers of her own time including Marguerite Duras, Amin Maalouf, Julia Kristeva, Michel Quint, Jean Anouilh, Michel Tournier, Jean Genet, Alain Bosquet, Réjean Ducharme and Philippe Sollers.

Blueprint Education

Founded in 1969, Blueprint Education first offered correspondence learning to migrant worker families in Maricopa County, Arizona.


At a meeting of the Royal Council in Verona, the referandarius Cyprianus accused the ex-consul Caecina Decius Faustus Albinus of treasonous correspondence with Justin I.

Christian Goldbach

Goldbach is most noted for his correspondence with Leibniz, Euler, and Bernoulli, especially in his 1742 letter to Euler stating his Goldbach's conjecture.

Coal torpedo

The correspondence was forwarded to Admiral David Porter, who immediately issued his General Order 184, which began

Dolores LaChapelle

This rare body of research includes hundreds of biographical files chronicling a rich lifetime of mountain climbs, as she climbed all 14K ((above 14,000 feet) mountains of Colorado Rockies by age 20, letter correspondence with authors and poets such as Gary Snyder and Art Goodtimes and her overlapping years married to pioneering avalanche and snow scientist Ed LaChapelle.


DU–Teššup was the son of Aziru, of the 1350-1335 BC Amarna letters correspondence, and also the father of Aziru's successor, in Amurru-(regional Syria).

Enrico Berlinguer

After the surprising opening of 1970 toward conservatives, and the still discussed proposal of the Historic Compromise, he published a correspondence with Monsignor Luigi Bettazzi, the Bishop of Ivrea; it was an astonishing event, since Pope Pius XII had excommunicated the Communists soon after World War II, and the possibility of any relationship between communists and Catholics seemed very unlikely.

Faith Baldwin

In the 1960s, Baldwin became familiar as one of the "guiding faculty members" of the Famous Writers School, a heavily advertised correspondence school that drew criticism for allegedly deceptive advertising.

Francesco Matraire

Little is known of his life; his family is believed to have been from Nice originally, and his correspondence is mostly written in French.

Fraser Frisell

In memory of Frisell's daughter Élisa, who died at Passy in 1832, Chateaubriand, while in prison on charge of participation in the Duchesse de Berry's attempt to overthrow the Orléanist régime, composed the touching stanzas, Jeune Fille et Jeune Fleur, and portions of the affectionate correspondence between Frisell and Joubert have been preserved.

Friends of the British Library

The archive itself dates from between 1940 to Peake's death in 1968 and includes unpublished material such as correspondence with writers Laurie Lee, Walter de la Mare and CS Lewis.

Geoffrey Madan

While still at school he earned a day’s holiday for the whole school by the excellence of his account of Eton written in Herodotean Greek, and embarked on a correspondence and friendship with A. C. Benson.

Grumman J2F Duck

Among its passengers was Carlos P. Romulo (diplomat, politician, soldier, journalist and author) who recounted the flight in his 1942 best-selling book "I Saw the Fall of the Philippines" (Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York 1943, pp. 288–303) for which he received the Pulitzer Prize for Correspondence.

Henry Billingsley

Augustus De Morgan has suggested that the translation was solely the work of Dee, but in his correspondence Dee states specifically that only the introduction and the supplementary material were his.

Henry C. Pearson

His correspondence with Heaney, and his comprehensive collection of Heaney books, manuscripts and memorabilia, is now housed at the University of North Carolina.


Announcements may be made, correspondence distributed, and the Pledge of Allegiance said.

Isabel Lyon

In 1902, Twain hired Lyon as a secretary because his wife, Olivia, was becoming too ill to handle his correspondence.

Jakob Ammann

In June 1680, government correspondence from Oberhofen asked counsel from authorities in Berne on how to deal with a Jakob Ammann who had “become infected with the Anabaptist sect”.

Johann David Passavant

His interest in the arts was evidence by an early correspondence with the artist Franz Pforr (1788–1812).

John Gauden

In 1693 further correspondence between Gauden, Clarendon, the duke of York, and Sir Edward Nicholas was published by Arthur North, who had found them among the papers of his sister-in-law, a daughter-in-law of Bishop Gauden; but doubt has been thrown on the authenticity of these papers.

John Macoun

By 1860 he was teaching school in Belleville, and had established correspondence with botanists such as Asa Gray, Sir William Jackson Hooker, George Lawson, and Louis-Ovide Brunet.

Józef Charyton

It was described in the essay of Marian Brandys, The Guardian of the King's Tomb (1984), based on the long correspondence of Brandys with Charyton.

Julius Caesar Ibbetson

According to James Mitchell in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, the "unusual thoroughness" of his education "is reflected in the fluent prose, both of his published painting manuals and of his regular, often entertaining, and rewarding correspondence with patrons".

Kurt Seligmann

The copius correspondence he maintained during this difficult period is preserved in a collection at the Beinicke Rare Book Library at Yale University.

Loie Fuller

Fuller formed a close friendship with Queen Marie of Romania; their extensive correspondence has been published.

Ma Fuxing

In 1924 Yang intercepted some correspondence between Ma and the Zhili clique and became suspicious.

Marcus Cornelius Fronto

It was not until 1956 that Bernhard Bischoff identified a third manuscript (consisting of a single leaf) that contained fragments of Fronto's correspondence with Verus, which overlapped the Milan palimpsest; however, the actual manuscript had been first published in 1750 by Dom Tassin, who conjectured that it might have been the work of Fronto.

NBC University Theatre

Through agreements with the University of Louisville, the University of Tulsa and Washington State College, listeners could receive college credit through accredited, radio-assisted literature correspondence courses.

Paul W. Shafer

He was a student at Ferris Institute (now Ferris State University), Big Rapids, Michigan, and studied law by correspondence with the Blackstone Institute of Chicago, Illinois.


Patriot Bible University, a fundamentalist Christian correspondence school located in Del Norte, Colorado

Peter Josyph

Josyph edited, illustrated, and wrote the preface for Letters to A Best Friend (SUNY Press, 2009), a selection of Richard Selzer’s correspondence with him.

Philip Callan

Papers to this effect can be obtained from the National Library of Australia and correspondence from and to Mr Walter Callan can be seen in Prime Minister Deakins' Papers which are also available from the National Museum of Australia.

Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke

With his brother, Charles Yorke, he was one of the chief contributors to Athenian Letters; or the Epistolary Correspondence of an agent of the King of Persia residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian War (4 vols., London, 1741), a work that for many years had a considerable vogue and went through several editions.

Richard Nykke

There is a confused story that in 1534 he ran afoul of Henry VIII, by correspondence with the Vatican.

Samuel Astley Dunham

He was intimate with Southey, who spoke of his knowledge of the Middle Ages as marvellous, and he was in close correspondence with Lingard, the historian, who was godfather to one of his sons.

Sir Thomas Copley

He was in constant correspondence with William Cecil and other ministers, and sometimes with the queen herself, desiring pardon and permission to return to England and to enjoy his estates; but at the same time he was acting as the leader of the English expatriate Catholics, and sometimes was in the service of the king of Spain, from whom he had a pension, and by whom he was created baron of Gatton and grand master of the Maze.

Southern California University

California Southern University, a correspondence school founded in 1978 as the "Southern California University for Professional Studies"

Sylvan Kalib

Correspondence among prominent academicians in the collection—Milton Babbitt, Charles Burkhart, Oswald Jonas, Jacques-Louis Monod, Ernst Oster, Herbert L. Riggins, William Rothstein, Carl Schachter and Eric Wen, among others—documents the critical role and influence of Kalib’s work as Schenkerian theory, philosophy and methodology promulgated throughout American musical academe.

Ursula Moray Williams

Many of Williams' manuscripts and further correspondence are held at Seven Stories, the Centre for Children's Books in Newcastle.

Valley of Eagles

This takes him to a rendezvous with a mysterious baroness in Karlstad, with whom Nystrom has been in correspondence.

Victor de Buck

What apparently gave rise to these accusations were the amicable relations established, principally through correspondence, between Victor de Buck and such men as Alexander Forbes, the learned Anglican bishop, and the celebrated Edward Pusey in England, Montalembert, and Bishop Félix Dupanloup in France and a number of others whose names were distasteful to many ardent Catholics.

William J. Hough

Quoting from archives: "These papers consist of Hough's correspondence with David Dale Owen concerning the selection of stones for the Smithsonian Building and an original proposal for the Smithsonian Building from the architect, James Renwick, Jr.

William Price Fox

John Updike (--on Fox's Doctor Golf): "Golf in the Kingdom" put me in mind of another curious devotional work, William Price Fox's "Doctor Golf."Doctor Golf, a fanatic even quainter and keener than Shivas Irons, runs a thirty-nine-member golf sanctuary in Arkansas called Eagle-Ho, refers to "young Hagen," advocates caddy flogging, sells by mail order a clanking, cumbersome line of golf paraphernalia, and conducts a large correspondence.

William Watson Andrews

He contributed articles on the Catholic Apostolic church to the Bibliotheca Sacra and McClintock and Strong's Cyclopœdia, prepared for the Life of Porter a chapter on Dr. Porter as "A Student at Yale," and published many reviews, orations, sermons, and addresses, and The Miscellanies and Correspondence of Hon. John Cotton Smith (1847).

Yuichi Nakamaru

In April 2008, he entered Waseda University and majored in Human Environmental Sciences through the university's undergraduate correspondence course e-school.

see also