
5 unusual facts about Corrine Brown

Afro-American Life Insurance Company

The building located at 101 E. Union Street, which housed the company has been renovated and served as the offices for Congresswoman Corrine Brown and other businesses.

Baton Rouge Community College

Along with former Senator John Breaux and Congresswoman Corrine Brown, former President Bill Clinton visited the college on February 8, 2008 to campaign for his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the Louisiana 2008 Democratic primary,

Corrine Brown

In 2003-2005, Brown cosponsored legislation regarding civil rights and foreign relations.

Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega, said that, as a Mexican American, he deeply resented "being called a racist and branded a white man," to which Brown replied, "you all look alike to me."

Homer Hartage

Hartage's public service was recognized with two Congressional Citations, one in 2006 by Congresswoman Corrine Brown and in 2010 by Congressman Allan GraysonCongressman Allan Grayson.

see also