
unusual facts about Corruption

Mohammad Shafiq Hamdam

Modern Organization for Development of Education (MODE), Executive Board Chairman of Anti-Corruption Watch Organization.

39th District corruption scandal

The 39th District corruption scandal refers to a persistent pattern of brutality and corruption among a cadre of Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) officers, primarily from the department's 39th District, that emerged in late 1995 and received nationwide attention by 1997, eventually resulting in an investigation by Human Rights Watch.

Adego Erhiawarie Eferakeya

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) arraigned former Health Minister, Adenike Grange and nine others over corruption, including Iyabo Obasanjo-Bello.

Alfred E. Steele

Steele was arrested by the FBI on September 6, 2007 in a Federal corruption probe that also included the arrests of Assemblyman and Orange mayor Mims Hackett and Passaic Mayor Samuel Rivera.

Ante Jelavić

On 22 January 2004, Jelavić was arrested in his home in Mostar, on charges of corruption.

Anthony Federici

In the mid-1990s, Federici came under scrutiny during a New York State Senate investigation into corruption in the N.Y.C. District Council of Carpenters and the construction of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan.

Antigua Labour Party

The opposition United Progressive Party campaigned on an anti-corruption platform they called "Government in the Sunshine."

Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise

Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise is an autobiographical true crime book by Dave Holloway about his experiences searching for his missing daughter Natalee Holloway, co-written with R. Stephanie Good and Larry Garrison.

Austral Wheel Race

Corruption tinged the event in 1901 when the American, "Plugger" Bill Martin, won from scratch, to allegations of fixing by John Wren.


Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a large bank registered in Luxembourg, closed on account of widespread corruption

Bradley D. Simon

As of July 2008, Brad Simon is representing Morris Talansky, the New York businessman at the center of the corruption case against Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, which led to his expected resignation in September 2008.

Brian S. Bentley

Bentley has defended officers accused of corruption in the Rampart Scandal, claiming they were unfairly targeted by investigator Russell Poole.

Carol Off

She claimed that French-Canadian journalist Guy-André Kieffer, who was kidnapped in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire in 2004, had been murdered for exposing Ivorian government corruption in connection with cocoa.

Cartoons Against Corruption

Many writers, artists, and activists gathered at Rajghat, New Delhi to protest against the undemocratic ban on the Cartoons Against Corruption.

Cat and Fiddle Inn

Various etymologies are claimed: some believe it is a corruption of le chat fidèle ('the faithful cat'); others (including Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable) that it comes from 'Caton le Fidèle' (a former governor of Calais); a third theory is that it derives from 'Catherine la Fidèle' (Catherine of Aragon).

Charles Boxton

After the corruption trial of mayor Eugene Schmitz, the Board of Supervisors chose him to serve out Schmitz's remaining term.

Chicago Teachers Union

In the coming years, the city and School Board were accused of rampant corruption, particularly in connection with two-time mayor William Hale Thompson.

Crime and violence in Latin America

President Mauricio Funes pledged to investigate and prosecute corrupt senior officials when he took office in June, 2009, but after a political truce with his predecessor, Antonio Saca, who was expelled from the ARENA party amid large-scale corruption allegations, Funes showed an unwillingness to tackle the problem.

Deep Throats

Brian decides to become a taxicab driver, but soon becomes intent on exposing the corruption of Mayor West to the public after receiving a $400 parking ticket for parking his taxicab on a handicapped zone without permit next to a store where Brian bought some milk for Lois.

Eddie Milne

These were eventually revealed in the Poulson Affair involving corruption leading Labour movement figures Andrew Cunningham and T. Dan Smith.


In a 2007 report, Human Rights Watch said that "in recent years Etche has earned a degree of unwelcome notoriety due to allegations of corruption, thuggery and murder leveled against its current chairman." The report stated that health and education facilities were in an advanced state of physical decay, with funds allocated for staffing and renovation being diverted for other purposes.

Franc Kangler

Due to corruption allegations, pre-trial processes and criminal charges made against him, the citizens of Maribor, Slovenia demanded his resignation in two separated November's and one December's protest under the slogan Gotof je! (literally meaning He is done! in Styrian dialect).

Gerald Stano

In 1995, Crow was removed from office by a grand jury appointed by Florida Governor Lawton Chiles, citing corruption.

Germán Castro Caycedo

On the one hand the story of a gypsy witch, and on the other the life of a poor-well-known Colombian drug lord, Castro Caycedo uses their stories as a base to conduct the reader on a trip showing how the cocaine traffic affected the society and economy of a small town (Fredonia), the Mexican Secret Police's brutality and corruption, and the United States' active role in the birth and expansion of drug production in Colombia.

Hazim al-Shaalan

Ali Allawi, the Finance Minister in the Iraqi Transitional Government, accused al-Shaalan of embezzlement in 2005, and Iraq's anti-corruption watchdog, the Commission for Public Integrity, sought to bar him from running in the following parliamentary elections.

James Coppinger

In January 2013, along with several other people, including fellow footballers, Coppinger faced a race-fixing inquiry with allegations of corruption in gambling on horses to lose on Betting exchanges in nine races between 1 November 2010 and 31 March 2011.

James Noble Tyner

During his tenor as Assistant Attorney General, Tyner was investigated in mid-1903 for corruption in the Post Office by special prosecutor Charles J. Bonaparte and Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Joseph L. Bristow.

Jan Kasl

In 2002 he resigned and left the Civic Democratic Party a few weeks before the parliamentary elections, because he thought that party was not able to deal with corruption.


Journaling file system, a technique in computer file systems to prevent corruption

Lee Jasper

The most recent report, which was produced after a forensic 18 month independent investigation by the law firm DLA Piper and commissioned by the London Development Agency, examined all the fraud and corruption allegations made by the Evening Standard London newspaper.

Lex Cornelia de maiestate

The Law was designed to prevent both corruption and rebellion of governors, but was thwarted just 4 years later in 77 BC during the revolt of Lepidus, a rogue proconsul who left his province of Cisalpine Gaul with his army and marched towards Rome.

Lilly Téllez

She and Javier Alatorre, another important Azteca reporter, charged the Mexican government tried to stop the airing of the program as it talked about supposed incidents of political corruption of Fox's cabinet member Francisco Gil Díaz.

Mahmoud Kharabsheh

In June 2009 he called for the resignation of Omar Rimawi, President of Al-Balqa` Applied University, for his involvement in financial and administrative corruption.

Mandapeshwar Caves

It is believed that the name of Mount Poinsur, on which the Saint Francis D'Assisi High School is situated, is a corruption of the name "Mandapeshwar".

Newbold Morris

On February 1, 1952, Morris was appointed Special Assistant Attorney General by Attorney General J. Howard McGrath to investigate possible corruption in the Department of Justice.

Pablo Carrillo

The investigation lead to a major corruption scandal which lead to successful prosecutions of Boeing's CFO Michael M. Sears and senior air force personal Darleen Druyun and Boeing being forced to deduct about a half-billion dollars in payments required under a global settlement agreement with the Justice Department.

Padma Bridge

According to one of these conditions Communications Minister Syed Abul Hossain resigned, as he was found involved with corruption.

Progressive Party of Maldives

The party was formed by Maumoon Abdul Gayoom in 2011 after resigning from his first party, Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), citing corruption of views after new leadership.

Rajmohan Gandhi

Associated from 1956 with Initiatives of Change (formerly known as Moral Re-Armament), Rajmohan Gandhi has been engaged for half a century in efforts for trust-building, reconciliation and democracy and in battles against corruption and inequalities.

San Diego Free Press

The paper made powerful enemies in San Diego by running a series of investigative exposés, largely based on rumor, on the corruption of San Diego's richest and most powerful, including tycoon C. Arnholdt Smith, publisher James S. Copley, and race track owner John Alessio.

Scott Harshbarger

On September 22, 2009, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) announced that Harshbarger and Proskauer "would lead an independent inquiry into the organizational systems and processes surrounding the social services of the organization" pursuant to the recent allegations of corruption within that organization in the ACORN 2009 undercover videos controversy.

Son of perdition

However this is not the case in all languages; for example the Luther Bible renders the use in John as "das verlorene Kind" (the lost child), but the use in 2 Thessalonians as "das Kind des Verderbens" (the child of corruption).

Spittal, Pembrokeshire

Its name is a corruption of the word Hospital, which is also the root of such names as Spitalfields, London, Spital, Merseyside, Spital-in-the-Street, Lincolnshire, etc: the village possessed a hospitium (place of accommodation for pilgrims) belonging to the Cathedral of St David's.

Sprint football

Antonio Buehler, civil liberties activist battling police corruption, Founder of Peaceful Streets Project

Thomas Wüppesahl

On 27 July 2013 Imtech announced that a criminalist officially named as "Mr. Y" had been consulted in 2011 to investigate the corruption in the reconstruction of the twin towers in Frankfurt.

Vincent Meli

He was named by former Detroit mobster Nove Tocco and retired federal agents as an associate of Michael Bane, president of Pontiac, Michigan's Teamster Local 614, during federal investigations into labor union corruption.

Volodymyr Lytvyn

During the Cassette Scandal audiotapes where released on which Kuchma, Lytvyn and other top-level administration officials are allegedly heard discussing the need to silence Georgiy Gongadze for his online news reports about high-level corruption.

Weston Coyney

One of the family, Sir Thomas Parker, became Lord Macclesfield and was Lord Chancellor between 1718–1725 before being convicted of corruption.

Years of Red Dust

The setting is in Shanghai where "the flow of the green slime of corruption, pollution and greed (for money), races with the flow of blood and champagne", according to Aftenposten.

Yuanlin, Changhua

Officials from the Control Yuan said the scope of Wu's activities was "unprecedented" and that "virtually no construction projects in the town were untainted by corruption".

see also