
5 unusual facts about Count Baltar


Count Baltar, of the original 1978 TV series Battlestar Galactica

Count Baltar

The episode "Baltar's Escape" features an attempt by Baltar and other imprisoned villains, Borellian Nomen and some Eastern Alliance officers, to escape from the prison barge.

To this end, the Imperious Leader installs Baltar as the commander of a Cylon basestar, with an "I.L.-series" Cylon named Lucifer (body by Felix Silla, voice by Jonathan Harris) as Baltar's second in command; the two other basestars in Baltar's taskforce are also subservient to him.

In "Lost Planet of the Gods," however, the scene is modified, with Baltar being spared specifically to destroy the Colonial survivors.

# "Lost Planet of the Gods": Baltar realizes that Adama is taking the fleet into an immense void in order to find the "mother planet of humanity," Kobol, and has his fighters capture a Galactica patrol pilot--who happens to be Starbuck--telling him that he has a new "offer of peace to all humans."

Gaius Baltar

Gaius Baltar is a fictional character in the TV series Battlestar Galactica played by James Callis, a reimagining of Count Baltar from the 1978 Battlestar Galactica series.

see also