
5 unusual facts about Counts of Castres

Counts of Castres

1228-1240 : Philip I of Montfort († 1270), Lord of Castres, and later Lord of Tyre and Toron, son of Guy de Montfort and d'Helvis d'Ibelin.

1211-1228 : Guy de Montfort († 1228), Lord of Ferté-Allais et de Bréthecourt, son Simon III de Montfort, Lord of Montfort and d'Amicie de Beaumont.

1240-1270 : Philip II of Montfort († 1270), Lord of Castres, son of Philip of Montfort and d'Éléonore de Courtenay.

:Married to Éléonore de Courtenay († avant 1230), daughter of Peter II of Courtenay and Yolanda of Flanders.

1370-1300 : John of Montfort († 1300), Lord of Castres, Count of Squillace, son of Philip II of Montfort and Jeanne de Levis-Mirepoix.

see also