
4 unusual facts about County of London Yeomanry

4th Queen's Own Hussars

Badly mauled during the battles around Gazala and having lost almost an entire squadron (which was attached to the County of London Yeomanry) the regiment was temporarily amalgamated with one squadron from the (similarly depleted) 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars to form the 4th/8th Hussars.

County of London Yeomanry

A single Tiger, commanded by SS-Obersturmführer Michael Wittmann, knocked out the CLY's lead Cromwell and then took out the rest of the column, trapped in the embanked road.

Action in Normandy so depleted the 3rd and 4th CLY that they were merged on 1 August 1944, at Carpiquet.

On June 13, they advanced with a battalion of the 1st Rifle Brigade by road from Villers-Bocage and were ambushed by a detachment of Tiger tanks.

see also