
unusual facts about Couplet



The title of the album references the 61st couplet of the 18th chapter of the sacred Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita.

An ass eating thistles

A very similar design and poem were used in Francis Barlow's illustrated volume of Aesop's Fables in 1687, where a final couplet sums up the miserly behaviour of

Anxiety dream

An English translation of a well-known medieval couplet by seventeenth-century poet Abraham Cowley: "What in the day he fears of future woe / At night in dreams, like truth, affrights his mind".

Canglang Pavilion

A pillar couplet has been formed by one verse from Ouyang Xiu's The Canglang Pavilion, and Su Shunqin's (苏舜钦) Passing by Suzhou (过苏州), "The refreshing breeze and the bright moon are priceless; And water nearby and hills afar how beautifully they rate".

Cursor Mundi

Its nearly 30,000 lines of eight-syllable couplets are linguistically important as a solid record of the Northumbrian English dialect of the era, and it is therefore the most-often quoted single work in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Der Busant

Der Busant, also known as Der Bussard (both German names for the Common Buzzard), is a Middle High German verse narrative, containing 1074 lines of rhyming couplets.

Golden Horn

For example, G. K. Chesterton's poem Lepanto contains the memorable couplet "From evening isles fantastical rings faint the Spanish gun, / And the Lord upon the Golden Horn is laughing in the sun."

Heretic Pride

According to Pitchfork Media, the album takes its title from Aura Noir's song "Black Deluge Night" (found on their 2004 album The Merciless) which contains the couplet "Soaring demons now swarm the skies/ In awe and heretic pride".

Michael Shen Fu-Tsung

They visited the city and the family where Couplet was born, in Mechelen.


It is addressed to Fulke Greville, and written, with much sententious melody, in a sort of terza rima, or, more properly, ottava rima with the couplet omitted.

Otfrid of Weissenburg

Otfrid of Weissenburg (German: Otfrid von Weißenburg) (c. 800 - after 870) was a monk at the abbey of Weissenburg (modern-day Wissembourg in Alsace) and the author of a gospel harmony in rhyming couplets now called the Evangelienbuch.

Pierian Spring

As the metaphorical source of knowledge of art and science, it was popularized by a couplet in Alexander Pope's poem "An Essay on Criticism" (1709): "A little learning is a dang'rous thing;/Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring."

Renai Road

Renai Road forms a one-way couplet with Xinyi Road between Guangfu Road and Zhongshan Road, with Renai for westbound traffic and Xinyi for eastbound traffic.

Rudolf Friml

Rudolf Jr. was a big band leader in the 1930s and '40s, and William, a son from Friml's third marriage, was a composer and arranger in Hollywood. In 1969, Friml was celebrated by Ogden Nash on the occasion of his 90th birthday in a couplet which ended: "I trust your conclusion and mine are similar: 'Twould be a happier world if it were Frimler." Similarly, satiric songwriter Tom Lehrer made a reference to Friml on his first album, Songs by Tom Lehrer (1953).

Wiccan Rede

According to Don Frew, Valiente composed the couplet, following Gardner's statement that witches "are inclined to the morality of the legendary Good King Pausol, 'Do what you like so long as you harm none'"; he claims the common assumption that the Rede was copied from Crowley is misinformed, and has resulted in the words often being misquoted as "an it harm none, do what thou wilt" instead of "do what you will".


Upon witnessing this act a couplet broke forth Sage Narada "Enna Thavam Saidhanai, Yashoda" which in Tamil literally means: "What penance have You (Mother Yashoda) undertaken to be bestowed with the powers to punish the supreme (Narayana)".

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