Cow dung cakes are also important fuel as far as cooking are concerned.
A buffalo chip, also called a meadow muffin, is the name for a large, flat, dried piece of dung deposited by the American Bison.
Cow dung, also known as cow pats, cow pies or cow manure, is the waste product of bovine animal species.
Baby Cow Productions | Nguyen Tan Dung | cow | Poor Cow | dung | Top Cow Productions | Clarabelle Cow | ''Leucanthemum vulgare'' and a cow in Kyyjärvi | Dung beetle | Cow-Cow Boogie | Cow | Where's My Cow? | Vechur cow | Two Cow Garage | Trần Thị Dung | Steller's Sea Cow | Sacred Cow (Bob's Burgers) | Red Cow interchange | Molly Moo-Cow | Half A Cow | Elsie the Cow | Dung, Doubs | Cult of the Dead Cow | Cow wheat (''Melampyrum pratense'') | cow's | Cow hitch | cow head protests | Cow dung | Cow Creek, Kentucky | Cow Creek, Florida |
On this day, a triangular shaped image of Bali, made out of cow-dung is placed over a wooden plank designed with colourful Kolam decorations and bedecked with marigold flowers and worshipped.