
unusual facts about Crasna, Sălaj

Crasna Veche River

It originates in Romania near the village of Domăneşti, crosses into Hungary north of Berveni and finally joins the new course of the Crasna River near Nagyecsed.

Crasna, Sălaj

53.1% were Reformed, 30% Romanian Orthodox, 9.4% Baptist, 2.1% each Seventh-day Adventist and Greek-Catholic and 1.7% Roman Catholic.


Valcău de Jos Commune, Sălaj County (until 1899; subsequently called Alsóvalkó)


In the Đuro Salaj Theatre they performed in the play Bitnici pevaju (Beatniks Are Singing), in which actors Dragan Nikolić, Miša Janketić, Duško Golumbovski, and others performed the poetry of American beatniks translated by Jovan Ćirilov.

Szilágy County

Its territory is for a large part the same as that of the present Romanian county Sălaj.

ŽS series 641

First four locomotives were delivered to Yugoslav industry - two to "Đuro Salaj" paper factory from Krško, Slovenia, one to UNIS factory from Vogošća, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one to Glogovac nickel mine at Kosovo.

see also