
5 unusual facts about Creation and evolution in public education in the United States

Creation and evolution in public education in the United States

Many, such as Richard Dawkins, compare teaching intelligent design in schools to teaching flat earthism, since the scientific consensus regarding these issues is identical.

Christine Comer, the Director of Science Curriculum for Texas, resigned after being placed on administrative leave for a breach of Texas Education Agency policy, which required a neutral stance regarding ID and evolution.

On November 7, 2007 the Texas Education Agency director of science curriculum Christine Comer was forced to resign over an e-mail she had sent announcing a talk given by an anti-Intelligent Design author.

Lizzette Reynolds, formerly of the U.S. Department of Education and also deputy legislative director for former Texas Governor, George W. Bush, emailed Comer's supervisor: "This is highly inappropriate," Reynolds said.

In the 1980s Phillip E. Johnson began reading the scientific literature on evolution.

John Freshwater

John Freshwater (born June 22, 1956) is a former science teacher at Mount Vernon Middle School in Mount Vernon, Ohio, who was dismissed by the Board of Education for teaching creationism in a public school, and using a Tesla coil to "mark the shape of the cross into the arms of eighth grade students".

see also