
3 unusual facts about Cressida


Jack Lindsay's novel Cressida's first lover : a tale of ancient Greece explores another area untouched in standard narratives, some of her earlier life.

Euryades duponchelii

The two species in the genus Euryades are more closely related to Cressida than to other South American Papilionidae with larvae that feed on Aristolochia.

Mazda 929

The 929 was withdrawn from North America due to a lack of interest in non-luxury brand Japanese imports of this size, evidenced by the withdrawal of the Toyota Cressida in 1992.

Morning in the Burned House

The first explores the theme of torture, in particular the torture of women, through the retelling of myths such as those of Cressida, Helen of Troy, and a lion-headed goddess of war.

Pseudobithynia renei

The type locality is (in French language) "Marais de Cressida près Corfou", Corfu, Greece.

Roman de Troie

In the Roman, the daughter of Calchas is called Briseis, but she is better known under a different name, becoming Criseida in Boccaccio's il Filostrato, Criseyde in Chaucer, Cresseid in Robert Henryson's The Testament of Cresseid and ultimately Cressida in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida.

The Guild League

The band reduced in size by 2004 when their second album Inner North was released, with core members White, Cressida Griffith (cello/bass), and Rodrigo Pintos-Lopez (guitar).

Troilus and Cressida

The story of Troilus and Cressida is a medieval tale that is not part of Greek mythology; Shakespeare drew on a number of sources for this plotline, in particular Chaucer's version of the tale, Troilus and Criseyde, but also John Lydgate's Troy Book and Caxton's translation of the Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye.

see also