The series portrayed life in Victorian England, and the programmes included many real historical events such as the publication of Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men in a Boat and the sale of London Zoo's famous elephant, Jumbo, to Barnum and Bailey's Circus.
Tom Cribb | Cribb | Robert Cribb | Guy Cribb | Benjamin Cribb |
In 1829 an amateur insect collector named Robert Cribb collected a series of about fifty small yellow and brown moths from a rotting alder on Kersal Moor in Salford, near Manchester.
James Clarke Cribb was born 4 October 1856 at Ipswich, the son of Benjamin Cribb (a Member of the Queensland Legislative Assembly) and his second wife, Clarissa Foote (the sister of John Clarke Foote).
Cribb held views that were considered radical at the time, and was a committed member of the Anti-Corn Law League, as well as being a follower of radical politicians Richard Cobden and John Bright.
Cribb also serves on the Board of Advisors of the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal, an educational organization that continues the intellectual legacy of noted conservative icon Russell Kirk, and on the Board of Visitors of Ralston College, a start-up liberal arts college in Savannah.
The 'band' consisted of the three Cribb (Gibb) brothers; Garry (Barry), Norris (Maurice) and Dobbin (Robin), performed respectively by Angus Deayton, Michael Fenton Stevens, and Philip Pope.
Other roles have included parts in Coronation Street, Crown Court, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries, The Sweeney, Cribb, Minder, Dempsey & Makepeace, the 1977 Doctor Who story The Sun Makers, Last of the Summer Wine and The Darling Buds of May.