
unusual facts about Cribbage


The wardroom of the oldest active submarine in the United States Pacific Fleet carries the personal cribbage board of World War II submarine commander and Medal of Honor recipient Rear Admiral Dick O'Kane on board, and upon the boat's decommissioning the board is transferred to the next oldest boat.


Cornucopia, Wisconsin

Cribbage League is a five-week cribbage contest between the residents of Cornucopia and the nearby community of Red Cliff, Wisconsin, taking place every January and February.

Fifty Grand

The cribbage continues after dinner, with Jack winning another two and a half dollars, until the time comes to go to Madison Square Garden.

Randi J. Rost

He was an early participant in the personal computer industry, creating a game called King Cribbage for the Apple II computer in 1981 and publishing numerous instructional and review articles in trade publications.

see also