Most notable Ragusans who traded and lived in Crnča belonged to noble families belonging to House of Gučetić, Sorkočević, House of Crijević, Gundulić, House of Lukarić and Ranjina.
Crnča reached its peak in second half of 15th century during the time of despots Stefan Lazarević and Đurađ Branković when it was one of the richest mines of Serbia along with Novo Brdo, Srebrenica and Rudnik.
By its present name Crnča was first time recorded in Ragusan archieves in 1367 (variously spelled in Italian and Latin as Cernca, Cernica, Crniza, Zrnza, Zerniza, etc.) as a place with flourishing Ragusan trade and mining colony.