Giorgio generously supported fencing masters coming to the United States, giving them a place to teach until they established their own schools, including great maestros such as Csaba Elthes.
Maestro Borsody taught Olympic Saber Champions György Piller, Pál Kovács, Imre Rajczy, and most of the best Hungarian fencing masters, including Csaba Elthes, Janos Kevey, Bela Bay, Ferenc Marki, Julius Palffy-Alpar, and Bela Imregy.
The program’s staff has included world-class coaches (Csaba Elthes, Boris Lieberman, Rotchild Magloire, Yuri Gelman, Max Catala and Aladar Kogler) medalists and Olympians (Michael Lofton, Robert Cottingham, Herb Raynaud, Eric Rosenberg, Lazarro Mora and Donald Anthony) and PWF students Ahki Spencer-el, Keeth Smart and his sister Erinn Smart, Kamara James, Ivan Lee, Benjamin Bratton, Nzingha Prescod and Epiphany Georges.