A negligent discharge (ND) is a discharge of a firearm involving culpable carelessness.
Despite these rulings and a similar, independent federal probation report by officer Tony Garoppolo into the culpability of the ferry service's upper management in which he ruled "the lion's share of culpability in this case as resting with the high level management of the Ferry Service", no other employees of the New York City Department of Transportation were prosecuted.
He refused to intercede in a debate over the censorship of the manga Barefoot Gen, which depicts the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Japan's culpability in World War II, by a school board in Matsue, stating that young students may not be able to understand its depictions properly.
Hide in Plain Sight (1980 film): drama directed by and starring James Caan with storyline based on an actual case from the files of New York attorney Salvatore R. Martoche who represented the real life Buffalo, New York, victim's suit to recover contact with his children estranged by the culpability of the new husband and government.
At a taping of the television cook-off show, Top Chef, Larry and Amy expose Michelli's culpability and arrest her, and are vindicated.
The single consisted of a doctored speech, in which Richard Nixon confesses culpability in the Watergate break-in.
Greg Barton in The Australian credits her with having played a crucial role in persuading her father of "the extent of military-backed militia violence in East Timor ... and the culpability of the Indonesian military leadership".