
unusual facts about Cultural property

Cultural heritage

Cultural property includes the physical, or "tangible" cultural heritage, such as buildings and historic places, monuments, books, documents, works of art, machines, clothing, and other artifacts, that are considered worthy of preservation for the future.

see also

Important Intangible Cultural Properties

Important Intangible Cultural Properties of Korea based on the Cultural Property Protection Law of Korea passed in 1962.

Martin Sullivan

Martin E. Sullivan, National Portrait Gallery director and former chairman of the U.S. President's Advisory Committee on Cultural Property

Swiss Inventory of Cultural Property of National and Regional Significance

It was established according to article 5 of the second protocol to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, which provides for the establishment of national registers of cultural property.

William St Clair

'The Elgin Marbles: Questions of Authenticity and Accountability', International Journal of Cultural Property, 2 (1999).