The Battle of Danes Moor (or 'Dunsmoor') occurred between the Danes and the Saxons in 914 on Danes Moor between Culworth and Edgecote, north-east of Banbury, Oxfordshire, at a crossing of a tributary of the River Cherwell.
Brackley used the poor house at Culworth until 1834, when Parliament passed the Poor Law Amendment Act and as a result the Brackley Poor Law Union was founded.
The chancel was rebuilt in 1840 and the building was altered and refitted in 1880 to designs by the architect E.F. Law of Northampton.
His grandfather Hugh Leeson of Culworth in Northamptonshire came to Ireland about 1680, as an officer in military service, and made a fortune as a brewer, acquiring much property in the area around what is now Dawson Street.
On 26 May 2011, he joined the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, succeeding Lord Saville of Newdigate and gaining the courtesy style "Lord Wilson of Culworth" for life.