The story is set predominantly in Thurston (Bragg's name for Wigton), from the 1920s to the 1970s, and follows the lives of John Tallentire, his son Joseph, and his grandson Douglas.
trilogy | Sprawl trilogy | Mars trilogy | The Deptford Trilogy | The Brentford Trilogy | An American Trilogy | Trilogy | The Nikopol Trilogy | ''The Lord of the Rings'' movie trilogy | The Dark Elf Trilogy | ''Star Wars'' original trilogy | Ring Trilogy | Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy | Cairo Trilogy | Trilogy (Emerson, Lake & Palmer album) | Toldi trilogy | The Three Colors trilogy | the ''Sissi'' film trilogy | ''The Pusher Trilogy'' | The Night's Dawn Trilogy | the Night's Dawn Trilogy | The Lord of the Rings (film trilogy) | ''The Lord of the Rings'' film trilogy | The Knight Templar (Crusades trilogy) | the Icewind Dale Trilogy | The Hunter's Blades Trilogy | The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy | The Guild of Specialists trilogy | the Brentford Trilogy | The Border Trilogy |