
unusual facts about Cursus


The Dorset Cursus, the longest known example, crosses a river and three valleys along its course across Cranborne Chase and is close to the henge monuments at Knowlton.


Cursus publicus |

Colman nepos Cracavist

1615, a ninth-century manuscript from Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire called the Liber sancti Benedicti Floriacensis, is a compilation of astronomy in which Colman's verses are found under the rubric "Colmanus nepos Cracavist in Roma virtutem hanc sanctae Brigitę praedicavi" in a section titled "De peritia cursus lunae et maris".

Salmanticenses and Complutenses

It appeared at Lyon in 1670 in five quarto volumes, under the title "Collegii Complutensis Fr. Discalc. B. M. V. de Monte Carmeli Artium cursus ad breviorem formam collectus et novo ordine atque faciliori stylo dispositus".

Te lucis ante terminum

The hymn is found in a hymnary in Irish script (described by Clemens Blume in his Cursus, etc.) of the eighth or early ninth century; but the classical prosody of its two stanzas (solita in the third line of the original text is the only exception) suggests a much earlier origin.


Victorius of Aquitaine who created the Victorian system of the Cursus Paschalis and a Roman numeral multiplication table

see also