Espen Aarseth, in his book Cybertext, disagrees with Murray’s idea and holds, "to claim there is no difference between games and narratives is to ignore essential qualities of both categories" (Aarseth, 1997).
Espen Aarseth, a researcher based in Copenhagen, is credited with raising the profile of Buckles’s dissertation, which Aarseth quotes eight times in his own book, Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature.
New Media, New Literacies, Cybertext, Digital literacy, Digital rhetoric Digital studio, Richard Lanham, Jonathan Alexander, Lisa Nakamura, Multi-modality Multi-literacies Rhetorical velocity, Cynthia Selfe, Geoffrey Sirc, Anne Wysocki, Richard Selfe, Kris Blair, Andrew Mara, Angela Haas, Gail Hawisher, Richard Ohmann