It uses a proprietary file formate that follows the DICOM standard for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging.
Newer scanners are able to create DICOM Radiation Dose Structured Reports (RDSRs) alongside the images themselves.
HL7 CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) also has a subset of mechanisms similar to (and intended to be compatible with) DICOM for referencing image-related spatial coordinates as observations; it allows for a circle, ellipse, polyline or point to be defined as integer pixel-relative coordinates referencing an external multi-media image object, which may be of a consumer rather than medical image format (e.g., a GIF, PNG or JPEG).
Whilst such systems all have standard interfaces (DICOM and IHE) for ingestion and distribution of images over the network and on physical media (like CD), typically the workflow and optimal performance for display are achieved using proprietary software and protocols.